I wake up with my face pressed against something warm.

I look up and see Russia peacefully sleeping. He's smiling.

He stops, and rubs his eyes. He looks down at me, and let's go of me.

I let him go, and he walks out of the room quickly.

I get out of bed and walk out to see Russia cooking. He doesn't notice me, and I go sit on the couch. I grab my sketchbook and draw him while he's cooking.

He turns to the side just enough for me to see him smiling while he cooks, but he doesn't notice me.

I draw what he'd look like from a front view, smiling and cooking.

*Russias PoV*

I smile while I cook. It's kind of nice having someone to cook for. I don't have to worry about leftovers as much.

America seems to like the food as well. Maybe I should go to a cooking class.

But people will know...


Maybe I can try a cooking class later in life...

I finish breakfast, and turn to put it on the plate, when I notice America sitting on the couch. I jump a little, then put the food on the plates.

I stop smiling before walking over with the plates.

I sit on the couch, and America sets his sketchbook down. I look at what he was drawing.

It's me cooking. He even did a front view, despite not being able to actually see it.

I hand him his plate, and he happily eats the food. He smiles "This is so good! Have you taken classes?"

"No, I'm self taught."

"Woah! This is really good! You could teach classes!"

I stare at him. "Y-You think I could teach people?"

"Heck yes!"

We finish breakfast, and I put he dishes in the sink.

I ask him. "Any luck with job hunting?"

He tilts his head slightly. "What..?"

I sigh. "Getting a job."

"Oh, I forgot about that. Sorry."

"There's an opening at the coffee shop where I work. You can come with me, since I have to go soon, unless you have classes in the morning. We can go tomorrow too, if you do have classes."

He checks his schedule. "I don't have any classes until lunchtime."

I smile a tiny bit, but not too much. "Then lets get ready, and head out."

He looks at his small box of clothes then back at me. He nervously says "M-My clothes are all dirty..."

I sigh. "Hold on." I go into my room and get changed, then look for my smallest clothes. I find some pants that will definitely fit him, but the shirt and sweater will be a bit big.

I'm stuck with you, and I like it (OLD AND DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now