“Come, Noah, she’s not here.” The black haired man walks up to him again and wraps his arm around his shoulder, hardly reaching it because of the height difference, though not really, and walks him out.

Soft cries escape the wood beneath our feet. I kick Pug’s leg again and he goes coughing. “He’s a smoker.” I smile to the cop. The officer nods at me and looks back at Pug.

“Ey, Noah, right?” Pug raises his head at the men, his smile now wide enough to show his golden tooth. They stop and the tall man looks behind at Pug.

“I really hope y’find her.” His smile is so wide, his thin lips get even thinner showing his narrow yellow teeth with hints of blacks. He pulls up his eyebrows and widens his eyes at Noah, that ugly smile of his getting bigger. Almost enough for his face to open in halves. I scoff at him at look at the door. The tall man, Noah, frowns, words forming on his mouth, but don’t dare leave it. His eyebrows are contemplating on whether to be pulled together or pulled up. He pushes his friend and marches pointing at Pug. “You-”

“What are you doing?! Come now we have to leave!” His friend pulls him back.

“It’s him!” He jumps at us only to be held back by the other’s arms.

“That’s enough, Noah, enough!” He pulls him and stumbles back.

“It’s him! He took her! It’s him!” He keeps jumping at us, but the officers are now also pushing him out.

“Thank you, sir, sorry for bothering you.” The officer taps his hat before following the mad cat and the rest out.

They close the door. Now it’s silent except for two people screaming. The woman, and the man looking for her. My curiosity beats me and I run to the porch. All the cars have left, except one. The ‘Noah’ dude is shouting, but is held in place by the other as he holds the car door open.

“Come on, don’t tell me you didn’t hear that!” Noah shouts waving his arm at the hut. Breathing gets harder and my heartbeats start getting loud. Too loud. The kind that will have them hear it kind of loud. My feet quickly carry me behind the pole. I carry my heart in hand and peek at them again.

Could he have heard her?

“What was I supposed to hear huh?” The man slams his hand on the open door.

“Oh come on! And you call yourself a detective? My wife’s life is in your hands! I can’t believe it!” Noah pokes the other man’s chest his eyes filled with rage.

“What did you hear?!”

“That man’s voice! His accent! Don’t tell me you didn’t recognize it!?”

Pug that fucking idiot.

That fucking double X large idiot.

“So what?! Every Hilly-Billy is Leah’s kidnapper now?!”

“Oh come on! I know that voice! That voice was in the Goddamn call!”

“Noah, it’s been three days since the call. You may have just mixed it up.”

“I can’t believe you.” His pitch raises in disbelief, offended.

“Just get in the car, we’ll talk later.” The detective pushes him inside the car.

“David, please, just listen to me.”

“Get in the car, or I’ll arrest you for trespassing. I will have no further discussions.”

I stride back into the hut and slam the door shut. “Really, man, really?”

Pug looks up to me with complete indifference. “What, kid?”

I raise my lips in disgust. “‘I hope y’find her’!?” I imitate him flailing my arms in the air.

“Ey and what’s wrong with that? Ha?”

I walk to the guns in the washing machine and get them out before that dumbhead decides to wash them. “He almost fucking found you out that’s what’s wrong!”

“Well he didn’t. So what’s the fuss for eh?”

I sigh and dial Boss. He’s got some news to listen to.

He won’t be fucking happy.

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