Chapter Two: Dreams and Reality

Start from the beginning

Teagan was seriously sick. He doubted another man could take a look at that innocent looking face of hers, lost in deep sleep, and contemplate the hundreds of indecent, but pleasurable, ways he could wake her.

Then again, the girl simply boiled his blood. He could only stand so much temptation. The throaty little "please" she'd whispered last night had been like a shot to his heart.

Disgusted, Teagan looked away from his reflection. He was starting to sound like a pathetic, lovesick fool. The way his mind kept flashing with thoughts of her, you'd think he'd never had a woman before. But he had. More than he could care to count.

So why was he so hooked up on Her Royal Highness?

It must have been the fact that she was a novelty. That despite her very persistent offer to sleep with him, he had turned her down. He couldn't recall a time when he'd ever said no to a willing partner. Maybe that was what made him dream of how sweet it would have been with her? His noble refusal had cost him his one chance to hook up with a woman far beyond his reach. Because he was certain another opportunity to find the Ice Queen willing and pleading to be seduced would probably never present itself.

He'd have to live on dreams for the rest of his life if he wanted to see her in his bed.

And there he went again, sounding like a besotted poet.

If the pretty little Ice Queen knew that she could inspire such beautiful speeches...

She'd laugh at him.

Teagan threw himself out of bed. He'd already spent too much time thinking about a woman he had no business thinking about. He hurried into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, hoping the water would wash away the memory of the Ice Queen nestled in his arms away as effectively as it washed away all traces of sleep.

A few minutes later, with freshly brushed teeth, nicely combed hair, and casually dressed in a black v-neck paired with faded blue jeans, Teagan emerged from the bathroom ready to face the new day. He stepped out into the hallway of the small house he called home, listening for the colorful curses that usually informed him of his father's bad mood. A quick glance around the corner into the living room showed his old man was still passed out on the old leather couch he'd fallen onto last night.

No surprise there. Teagan's father would no doubt sleep through half the day before going out to search for a job. Of course, he wouldn't find anyone desperate enough to hire a drunk with debts to pay, so he'd stumble into the nearest bar and drink his sorrows away. Sometime around eleven at night, if he still hadn't found his way back home, Teagan would have to go and drag him away from the gambling tables.

It was what they did. It was the only way the two could live together under the same roof without killing each other.

They'd agreed a very long time ago that they would stay out of each other's way. His father gambled and drank his life away while Teagan went to school just to have something to do. He didn't even know what he was going to school for, he was just taking a bunch of electives hoping to find something that would interest him.

All that had interested him in the past year and a half was her, his Ice Queen.

And that wasn't going to help him escape his messed up life. Being obsessed with the one woman he knew he would never have was likely to send him into the same path his father had taken.

Shaking his head at the way his mind strayed back to her, Teagan gave up going into the kitchen to get some breakfast. He wasn't hungry for food anyway.

Maybe if he used some of those sappy words he'd been thinking earlier, he could get Crue to give him a good time before class.


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