♡Chapter 18♡

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You were ran away and you entered the restroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were red and filled with tears. You were sweating and your hair was looking auful. You still had some mascara on from yesterday but most of it was mixed with tears covering your cheeks. You washed your face and looked again.
You got out of the restroom and sat alone out of a random patient room.

Y/n thoughts: Why me... what did I even do to deserve this... The timing Chase came in the storage couldn't be any worse.. I was shook and I didn't know what to say... why did I lie to him at the first place..? I am an awful girlfriend... well I WAS...he deserves so much better. And now I feel too bad to text him. I think he's gonna be even more mad.
What if I broke his heart. Shouldn't have done this.. Definitely not-

Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Y/n.. is that you?" You looked up to see Joe standing in front of you. You wiped your tears quickly.

You: Oh hi Joe..
Joe: Hi um.. can i sit next to you?
You: Um sure I guess..

He sat down. After an awkward moment of no talking and just looking at the floor, he broke the silence..

Joe: So.. why are you so down.. is it for my brother or...
You: Uh I'm okay-
Joe: I know you're not, Y/n... Do you want to tell me what's up with you or not?
You: Well it's like... everything... life has been being really harsh towards me lately you know and yeah...
Joe: Oh.. and what do you mean by that..
You: well... The fact that everything is always my fault.. it SUCKS. I'm always ruining everything... for example.. I may have ruined your family's life with what I did to Jason... I also ruined my relationship and broke Chase's heart...

Your voice cracked and a tear fell of your cheek. It was hard to hold all these tears...

Joe: Wait.. you and Chase... broke up?
You: Y-yeah... another tear fell of your cheek.
Joe: Oh that's really bad.. Don't worry though he loves you so much and I'm sure you do too... You'll be back together in no time..

You immediately bursted into tears.

You: Y-You don't understand.. He thinks that I cheated on him with Jason.
Joe: What?! How could he even think such thing-
You: Well... I lied to him at the first place.. telling him that Jason wasn't there- wait let me tell you the whole story...

You told him about last night, about this morning, about why you went downstairs, anout that one sound that turned out it was Jason who wanted to apologize, about everything...
Finally, you told him anout your mom's decision to move away because this whole thing drove her crazy.

You: So yeah.. you said with eyes filled with tears.
Joe: Oh... that's too bad... how can that even be happening... this is crazy...
You: I know.. it really is..

You started crying again. "Aw don't cry..." he hugged you. He kept you into his arms for a while until you calmed down a little bit... "thanks for that...", you said as you stopped hugging "i really needed it".

You: But what am I going to do now?
Joe: I think you should talk to Chase. He has to know the truth... he can't be mad at you for no reason. But first should we go check how Jason's doing?
You: Yeah..
Joe: Okay let's go.

He stood up and gave you his hand to lift you up.
*skip to when you arrive at Jason's room*
He opened the door and you both got in the room. Jason was asleep at the time. You and Joe got closer to him and started looking at him. He looked better than before. Right then, the doctor came in.

Doctor: Oh, hello my children... I guess you came to see Jason, if thats right.
Joe: Yes.
Doctor: Well since he is asleep now, let me explain what's going on. The hit caused a temporary memory loss. This means that he can't remember things that happened recently.. he still remembers what happened about 2 months ago but he doesn't remember anything after that.
You: Oh- That's why he thought I'm his girlfriend..
Doctor: Probably.. Anyways don't worry kids.. his memory will come back soon. There's a surgery we have to do first..
Joe: Wait.. What kind of surgery.
Doctor: Well, seemingly, this young lady hit him at a really sensitive point of his head, that's the reason of the memory loss. Anyways, he has a huge wound right there. He has to get stitches. The surgery is nothing to worry about as well. Don't be concerned kids, he is safe and soon will be able to come to school normally again. Now come on, head out please. I would like to examine him once again.
You and Joe: Alright...

You both walked out and went in the waiting room.

Joe: I'm kinda relieved now.. even though I am still a little concerned..
You: Same here.. anyways let's talk about something a little more pleasing..
Joe: Yeah you're right. SO you and Chase..
You: Oh..
Joe: You still love him?
You: Yeah.. with all my damn heart..
Joe: Okay then. Text him.
You: And tell him what? I can't make such an important conversation over text..
Joe: Hey I have an idea. Let me call him and tell him to meet somewhere. You can come with me and I could leave you guys alone to talk..
You: Wow.. that's a great idea! Thank you so much Joe, honestly.
Joe: Anytime!

Joe took out his phone and called Chase. He wouldn't pick up though.
He tried many times but he didn't manage to talk to him.

Joe: He doesn't pick up.
You: But.. why?
Joe: I don't know. So what are we gonna do now?
You: What if you simply texted him and told him to come to the hospital.
Joe: Alright.

*Joe's phone*
     The boy🔥                             🎥   📞

Ayo Chase.

What is it

I need u to come to the hospital ASAP!

Uh why tho is everyone ok?


Is Y/n there?


Ok then uh. TELL ME is everything alright?

No not really

What happened?

Come and I'll tell you

Ok imma be there in 10 mins

type something...


To be continued...

HEYY BAES🥰🥺 HOW ARE YOU ALL 🥺 i am super very extremely SORRY that i hadn't updated in so much time🥺 I really wanted to but i kept forgetting 💀n e wayz i hope you enjoy the story so far🔥 if you do PLEASE give it a star to let me know🥰 thank you sm bbys and I'll try to be more active 🥺

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