Chapter 6

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The next morning, Mei-Rin woke Serena with much more confidence than yesterday. The maid quickly poured the tea that Sebastian had made before laying out one of the dresses that had been purchased by Elizabeth yesterday. The one she chose was a pretty dark blue satin with white ribbons that emphasized her pale skin. After the maid helped her into the gown, Serena sat in front of the vanity to do her own hair.

Mei-Rin took her nightgown to be laundered and informed Serena that the Earl would await her for breakfast. The girl nodded while slipping pins into her hair to hold it in place.

In the dining room, she and Ciel sat to a delicious breakfast cooked by the butler. She couldn't help but snicker a little when she saw Sebastian.

"What is it?" Ciel looked up from his plate to see the demon glaring at Serena as he set her own plate in front of her.

"Nothing. Just a weird thought."

The Earl kept conversation to her trip with Elizabeth the day before. It was only after Sebastian sent the other servants to their tasks that he broached the subject of last night.

"This afternoon, we'll go through the notable events that have happened since I formed the contract with Sebastian."

"Alright. I'll write down the list of events that are shown in the anime as well as depicted in the manga. Then we'll compare." Serena put down her silverware and placed her napkin on the table. Sebastian came to help her out of the chair.

Ciel stood as well. "Very well, I wish you an enjoyable morning."

Serena bowed as the Earl walked out of the dining room before turning to Sebastian. She decided it was probably a good idea not to bring up last night again.

'Irritating a demon is never a good survival tactic.'

"Could you tell me where I can find some paper?"

"I will bring it to you, my lady." The demon bowed. "Where would you like to spend the morning?"

"I guess I'll spend it in the library. That seems the right place."

"Very good, my lady."

"Sebastian?" Serena bit her lip as the demon looked up. "Where is the library?"

He blinked at her for a moment before smiling. "If you will follow me, my lady."

********************************A Demon's Mate*************************************

'I'm so bored!'

Serena moved some of the papers that were near her face. Her head had dropped to the surface over an hour ago, after the books she pulled down had lost her interest. So had the paper airplanes, doodles, and the timeline she was supposed to be working on.

"Are you alright, my lady?"

She screamed, jumping up with a book in hand to hit her attacker. The girl tried to calm down when she saw Sebastian.

"Jeez," she put a hand to her racing heart. "Put a bell around your neck!"

"I am sorry, my lady." The butler's smirk led her to believe otherwise. "Master had asked if you are coming to lunch?"

"I'll be there in a minute." Serena started to gather her papers.

"I can do that, miss."

"No!" Serena scrambled to scoop the papers into a messy pile and quickly picked them up. After seeing his surprise, she stopped for a moment to take a breath.

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