Chapter 5

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Serena walked back into the Phantomhive manor feeling like she was 90 and riddled with arthritis. This morning, she had made the decision to just ride this dream out. It had to have been brought on by her fall. She probably cracked her head open and was in the hospital. Maybe she was even a vegetable right now and living out the rest of her life in a fantasy world.

No reason to spoil that. She loved this series. Why not live it up? She now had pretty clothes and seemed to have made friends with Lizzy. But, going by the series, that wasn't hard to do. It would be even harder to make friends with Ciel.

Well if it was a dream, might as well go for it.

"Would you like some help, my lady?" She looked up to see Sebastian right beside her. "You seem to be having a hard time. And master would like to see you in his office."

"Of course he wants to see me now. After I just spent the day as his fiancee's distraction." The redhead fumed and Sebastian wondered if the old saying was true about a red head's temper.

"Lizzy really, you need to get back home before Aunt Frances starts to worry." Both looked up to see Ciel walking toward the stairs with Elizabeth hanging off his side. The blond was bravely trying to snuggle the cold Earl as he tried to push her away. Serena and Sebastian started to snicker, but a glare from Ciel got them to shut up. Not to stop smiling, but to stop outright laughing.

"Oh, Serena!" The blond moved to her instead and Ciel sighed in relief. The butler reached out a hand to steady Serena so she didn't fall down the stairs as she was hugged. "Today was just lovely. We simply must do it again."

"Of course, my lady. This is one of the most enjoyable days I have ever spent." The older girl returned the hug before Elizabeth flounced down the remaining stairs.

"I will have Sebastian call the estate and tell them you are on your way. Please, be careful Elizabeth and I look forward to your next visit." Ciel's voice was soft as he gently pushed his fiancee out the door the butler was holding. She still managed to sneak in one more crushing hug before getting into the carriage with Paula.

Elizabeth leaned out the window to wave once more as the carriage made its way down the drive to the road. Ciel walked back into the mansion and slammed the door shut before the butler had the chance. A large sigh came out as he leaned against the heavy wood.

"Yeah, I wish you luck, Earl Phantomhive. You got a live wire there." Serena had sat on the stairs where the others had left her. "I think that girl had more energy in one finger than normal people have in their entire body. Either that or she is on one hell of a permanent sugar rush."

Ciel nodded and pushed away from the door. "Sebastian. Call the Midford estate and tell them Lizzy is on her way home."

"Yes, master." The butler strode across the entryway toward the kitchen to carry out his orders.

After he left, Ciel started up the stairs. "Now that Lizzy is on her way home, I would like to speak to you."

"Unfortunately, I think this is as far as I'm going to get. You can glare at me all you want, but I've been dragged through half of London on foot." She looked up with a grimace. "Let me give you a girl lesson that you seriously need if you're going to marry her. Never give a shopaholic free reign with the money."

The Earl sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "She went through a small fortune, didn't she?"

"I'm not an expert on nineteenth-century money, but I wouldn't call that small. I now have an entire wardrobe with all the trimmings on order as well as two gowns that can be worn now with matching slippers. There is also a vanity set, a set of soaps and lotions, hair ribbons, and some small pieces of jewelry for day wear."

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