"Master, Lady Frances was very appreciative of the phone call." Sebastian appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Maybe she should instruct Lizzy on the proper way to call on people," Ciel snapped.

"I doubt that would help. You're her fiancee, so she doesn't have to give you a warning." Serena laughed a little before looking at Sebastian. "I think that I'll take that help now. It's obvious that he's not going to let me spend the night here."

"Of course." The demon swept up the stairs and lifted Serena into his arms.

"Well, that's not quite what I had in mind."

"Come," Ciel waved them to follow. "I still wish to discuss what we found today."

"Did you find some way to send me back home?" The redhead couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice. Unknown to her, Sebastian glared at her anticipation to leave him.

'Never.' The butler sighed at his own possessiveness. 'This could become a problem.'


In the study, Sebastian set the redhead in the chair directly in front of the Earl's desk and moved to stand behind his master. Ciel pulled her purse from one of the drawers and set it on the large surface.

"I would like you to explain the things we found. I do not recognize most of them."

"You went through my purse?" Serena stared at them both dumbfounded for a moment. The moment was short before anger overtook her. The glare she shot at them was pure female fury and Ciel stopped himself from flinching back. "You went through my purse!?"

The redhead stood from the chair, the fireplace giving a perfect backdrop for her rage.

"I think I need to give you both a girl lesson." She strode forward and the Earl sunk a little further in his chair. The butler moved a little closer to his master. "NEVER touch a girl's purse! It's damn near sacred. Do I make myself clear?"

Both men stared in silence at the wrath before them.

"I'm waiting for an answer!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Serena swiped her purse from the desktop. Going back to her chair, she rifled through the small bag to make sure that everything was still there. She even opened her wallet to make sure all her money and cards were still there. All the while she mumbled under her breath about nosy little boys and thieving demons.

"My lady, I would implore you to understand that you are a guest in the Earl's home that he didn't have to take in and care for. Being a stranger, of course, we needed to know what kind of person was currently living with the Earl. It is for the master's protection as well as your own." Sebastian easily interrupted her mumbling and Ciel nodded at his explanation.

The redhead glared back. "I would also like you to understand that you could have just asked before rifling through someone's personal possessions. Aren't the nobles in this time supposed to be all about the illusion of courtesy?"

The Earl sighed and stood to come around his desk. "Of course. I do apologize for my behaviour. My questions could have been answered by yourself and I ask your forgiveness for my impatience."

Ciel bowed with his apology, which surprised both girl and demon. Serena's anger started to wane and she shook her head.

"Thank you. I admit I may have over-reacted. But, I stand by the girl lesson." She sighed. "What did you want to know?"

"If you could explain what those things are and their use. As I said before, there was not much that I recognized and I would like to know more about this time that you come from."

A Demons Mate (Black Butler)Where stories live. Discover now