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-Kevin P.O.V.-

"I'm failing chemistry?!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Barr, but if you don't get your grades up, then the football team is going to loose their star player."

This is the worst news I could have gotten.

Coach is going murder me.

"Alright Mr. Smith, I'll try to get my grades up."

"Why don't you find someone to help you study?"

I clench the end of my jacket to keep myself from losing my cool. I hate studying and this teacher.

"Fine. Who'd ya got?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Hmm. Let me see."

Mr. Smith plops down on his computer chair and scrolls through his online student roster.

"Ah, here we go, the top of my AP chemistry class, Eddward Vincent. Why don't you ask him?"

I slap my forehead.

Shit, how could I forget? I live right across the cul-de-sac from one of the biggest nerds in school and I didn't think of asking him.

"Uh, Mr. Barr, are you alright?"

I pull my hand down from my forehead, showing the red mark I had just made.

Geez, I got to stop doing that.

"Yeah, I'm good, thanks." I say as I walk out of the room to go to lunch.

Now I got to find double dweeb.


Or maybe eat first...

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-Edd P.O.V.-

"SOCK HEEAAAAAD~ Come onnnn~ My mom forgot to give me money for lunch today."

"My apologies, Eddy. But in order for me to work and learn at my full potential, I need to eat all of my lunch."

"Uggggggh." Eddy groaned as he hit his head on the table top.

"Here ya go Eddy." Said Ed as he offers him half of his bologna and cheese sandwich

"Thanks." He grumbles accepting the sandwich.

I hear the lunch doors burst open, slamming against the walls. I turn towards the noise to see Kevin run from the doors and into the lunch line.

He has matured from his adolescent years, but his actions are still not graceful.

"Hey Double D, you staring at your boy toy?

I blush at his question.

"Eddy can you please refrain from calling Kevin that?"

"Oh, blah blah blah. Like anything will happen between you two." Eddy says in his mocking tone he knows I don't like. I turn to him and glare at him.

"Eddy, let Double D love." Ed says, while swaying side to side.

"Ed, I don't love Kevin, I u-um, just have a normal emotional attraction to him."

"Well I don't find it normal."

"Eddy, I already explained to you that homosexuality is natural." I respond in a hushed toned, blushing again.

It's alright Eddy, I don't quite understand it either.

-Kevin P.O.V.-

"Nat! Stop taking my tater tots!" I yell at him.

Two Types of Chemistry (Kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now