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I wake up and the very first thing I think of is (y/n). Nope not doing this I have been on one date with her I'm not going to be that guy, for an example Derek, I'm not the type of guy to settle down. I'll screw it up I just know I will. I have a knack for that sort of thing.

I'm getting out of this apartment to clear my mind. I throw on my running clothes and shoes and I'm out the door for a nice long jog. I dont have a surgery till noon so I can take my time.

About 2 miles in my phone rings. Its Derek. We decide to meet up and grab some lunch around the corner.

Once we both get there and order he doesnt waste anytime jumping right into the deep end.
"(Y/n) came home and seemed a bit off everything ok I heard yall went out a few nights ago." He gives me a questioning look
"I dont know man it's just shit i dont know." I look down at the table.
"Yes you do you just dont want to admit it." Its like he sees right through me which hell he should we grew up together his mom was practically mine too.
"Why should I even try it's not like I'm good at the relationship thing. That's why I jump from woman to woman." I brush my fingers through my hair
"And that's just worked out so well for you right?" He says
"Well I cant really complain it's hard to screw up a one night stand. " I chuckle
"While that may be true it's not very satisfying for you or you wouldnt have talked about settling down just last week." He looks at me seriously
"(Y/n) is the perfect woman when your ready to settle down. What if I do this and screw it all up. What if she decides I'm not worth the effort. I have been with dozens of women what if I cant give that up. I mean hell that's been me my whole life. Why would someone as amazing as her decide I'm worthy of her." I cant make eye contact shit I'm suppose to be a man and  here I am whining like a high school girl.
"Oh wow look at you. I've never seen you like this over a woman. After one date she has you this messed up. To me that can only mean one thing." He has a huge smile on his face
"Oh yea what's that." I raise my eyebrow
"If a woman can make you question your life choices after one date she is something special. Someone worth getting to know. Possibly even someone worth changing for." He states

I have nothing to say back to that because I know she is worth it I just dont want to mess it up.

Finally after sitting there just thinking about what he has said for the longest time I look up at him.
"You know what your right she is worth it." I jump out of my sit and throw down some money for the the bill.
"I gotta go!" I say as I jog out of the restaurant 

I rush back home and shower and change. I'm not gonna let my doubts stand in the way of me being with this amazing woman. I jump in my car and drive like a maniac to the hospital.

I make it to the hospital now I just have to find her. I search for about thirty minutes when i finally look down from the top of the stair case and see her standing at the nurses station below me with her long (y/hc) hair pulled behind her ear and she is laughing. She looks to beautiful standing there I just stop and admire her for a minute.

Now what do I say. She thinks I dont want anyone to know about us. There is a rather simple way to fix that.
I clear my throat and speak loudly "(y/n)." She looks up and locks eyes with me.
"I would like to take you out again because I think you are the most beautiful, spectacular, amazing woman I have ever met." I start walking down the stairs to her.
She meets me at the bottom and without a word she grabs me and kisses me. For a moment I forget we are standing in the middle of the hospital and I wrap my arms around her waste and lift her up as we continue to kiss. The way her lips feel against mine I want to take her right now. I want to make her mine. Someone clears their throat and a few others begin to chuckle and we remember we arent the only ones here. We slowly stop the kiss and I put her back down.
"When do you get out here?" I say as I reach up and push her hair back into place.
"Just finished my last surgery. You?" She smiles
"I only had one surgery today but it's nothing that I cant push till tomorrow." I bend down and whisper in her ear "Can I take you home."
"Please!" She says it in a way that makes me know that she is wanting me just as bad as I want her.

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