The decision

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Is being a doctor really for me? I thought school was going to be the hard part but here I am in residency at Seattle Grace hospital. I love my job but today has been a rough day I lost two patients already and I still have four hours to go.

I'm just going to try to rest and hope this break last twenty minutes. Just as soon as I finally sit down for the first time since 4 am Mark walks in.

I dont see what all the ladies see in him sure he is attractive in an obvious type way but other than being a man whore and a great doctor he just doesnt have much going for him. But man he is sexy. I cant help but stare as he changes his scrub shirt. He definitely works out! I wouldnt mind running my tongue..

NO! Stop that train of thought now! You know you want a relationship that will eventually lead to something and Mark Sloan is not the best guy for an emotional type commitment. Although he does hold a strong reputation for being the best at other things. Why am I still looking? Look away(y/n)! Dammit as i glance up I realize he has caught me slowly undressing him with my eyes. Great now he is gonna think I want him. Which I dont. Do I?
"So (y/n) like what you see?" Mark smiles in the I'm up to no good type of way
"Huh? Umm I umm well" I'm a doctor and I cant form one sentence. Just then my pager goes off. THANK GOD! I run out of the break room. I might not have got a long break but that was perfect timing!

I finally arrive in the ER. My patient has large burns on multiple parts if his body.
"Hang a unit of saline and let's get this man some morphine ASAP!" I will not lose another patient today!
"Sir can you tell me your name?"
"Its mi...." he faints we have no heart rhythm
"I need a crash cart NOW!"
Just at that moment Mark comes running in with the crash cart. Why? Why does it have to be him?
"Push one of epi!" I say
"CLEAR" Mark yells he waits and nothing
"Push another of epi"
"Recharge, CLEAR"
"We have heart rhythm" a nurse says. Oh thank God.
"We make a great team" Mark winks at me.
"Now let's get these burns cleaned out so we can get them dressed." I walk out to get the supplies I need. 

I should have known he would be right behind me on the way to the ER. Of course he would he is over the burn unit. Now I have to work beside him on this case for the rest of the day. I dont need him but I cant say I dont want him. On one hand he is very good looking on the other I'm not the type to have one night stands and that's all he does. Maybe I should try to get to know him alittle more. Maybe just maybe he has a different side to him.

I finally get everything I need. I inhale a long purifying mind clearing breath and straighten my back. OK I can work beside him I got this!

Arriving back in the trauma room I see that our patient is conscious again. He is extremely nervous and upset.
"Micheal I know you are scared and I know it hurts but I promise you that I am going to do everything in my power to get you through this. You are my main concern and I will be with you every step of the way." Mark is looking at him with so much compassion. There is another side to him. You cant be such an amazing compassionate doctor and not have any feelings in your personal life. So after all these confusing thoughts today I finally decided what I'm going to do. I'm gonna peel back each layer of this man until I see the real him.

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