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I wake up bright eyed and high on life. Last night was exhilarating! I jump out of bed and grab a quick shower. Being the first one up has its perks like hot water for one thing. After I finish getting ready I head down to cook breakfast.
"What happened to you last night?" Meridith sneaks up behind me making me jump so hard I tossed a pancake across the kitchen.
"Jesus christ you almost gave me a heart attack!" I clutch my chest and take a deep breath
"My bad! What happened last night that has you cooking you never cook?" She looks at me anxiously
"Just had a few drinks with Mark." I state
"Mark? Only drinks?"she seems a bit surprised but that reaction is completely relatable
I just give her a grin and cut my eyes at her
"Oh I knew it there is more!" She states matter of factly
"Just a dance and the most excellent goodnight kiss known to man." I beam 
She rolls her eyes "so you telling me Sloan knows that a date can end with just a kiss?"
"Apparently so and surprisingly enough he is more of a gentlemen outside of work."
"Well makes sense." She seems like she was going to say more but stops
"Makes sense?" I question
"Well" she hesitates "it's just a conversation he had with derek last week."
"And?" I continue probing
"He might have mentioned he was tired of going from woman to woman." She looks up at me
"I'm not sure I was suppose to say anything heck I probably wasnt even suppose to know."
"Know what?" Derek walks in and gives meredith an quick kiss
"Nothing" we say in unison smiling
"I'm going to work." I say as I grab my bag
"Thanks for breakfast." They wave

- -

I have been at work for 3 hrs and I still have not seen him. The life of a surgeon right?

I'm finishing up an xray with my patient when I finally get the first glimpse of him. All his attention is in a chart. I walk up beside him

"Well hey there!" I say excitedly
"Oh hi hows it going?" He just kind of quickly side eyes me and then all his concentration is back in the chart.
"Good. Everything ok?"
"Its fine. I have to go." He says as he puts his chart on the shelf and walks away
"Ok well bye." I roll my eyes and walk the other way

What in the actual hell was that? I have been going crazy wanting to see him. That kiss is all I have thought about all day and all he says is fine I gotta go?

So last night we have an amazing time he was a gentlemen and now today he barely speaks? Not even the slightest sign that he was excited to see me? And people always say women are confusing!

As soon as this shift is over I'm going over to Joe's he will probably be there it's where everyone goes after work. I will find out what that was about.

The rest of my shift drags by cause now I need to know what's going on.


I open the door at Joe's and he right front and center at the bar. I march over to him and when he sees me he smiles and honestly that just pisses me off.

"Now you want to smile at me?" I snap at him
Automatically his smile is gone
"Huh?" He has the audacity to look confused
"Last night was amazing but today at the hospital you might as well have ignored me?" I glare at him
"Yea sorry bout that." He looks down at his drink
"What was that all about? Do you not want people at work to know we went out?"
"No it's not that it's just its just" he hesitates
"Its what?" I ask
"I I dont know!" He looks at me
"Well of we are gonna go any further I'm gonna need you to figure it out." I turn to walk out
"(Y/n)" I hear him say as I walk out.

A/n don't forget to vote!

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