First moves

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Back at work today and I'm running late I have five minutes to get up to the fifth floor for rounds or Bailey is gonna have my head and I have not even got my scrubs on yet. As I'm darting around the corner trying to make it to the locker room to change I look up and stop in my tracks. Derek Jackson and Mark are all standing by the nurses station. After my decision yesterday I believe I'm gonna make the first move. Bailey will live if I'm a few minutes late.. I might not live but it's worth the risk.

I try to slow my breathing and comb my fingers through my hair so I dont look like a hot wreck. Ok now it's time to take a chance. I walk over and luckily its looks like meridith has gotten Derek's attention and jackson and Mark's conversation is coming to an end. Perfectly timed just as I walk up jackson gives me a side smile and wave and walks away.
"So (y/n) hows it going?" Mark grins at me.
"I'm good." I say "I'm actually running alittle late but I wanted to talk to you for a second."
"Oh yea? This about you scooping me out yesterday?" I could tell he had been waiting to say that by that huge smile.
"NO!.. Well maybe. I just wanted to see if after our shift if you would like to get a drink or dinner or something." I smile shyly and look at the floor. I know I wanted to make the first move but wow I didnt think I could actually do it!
Mark puts his index finger under my chin and slowly raises my face till our eyes meet.
"Meet at Joe's around 8?" He says as he drops his hand
"Its a date!" I say as i get a glance at the clock. Three minutes late now.
"No no no I have to go I'll see you tonight!" I run off
"See ya tonight (y/n)!" He yells as he watches me sprint away

I finally get changed and find Bailey and the other residents. They are in a room with a patient so maybe I can just quietly sneak in and she wont even notice.

They are just about finished when I make it in. As we all walk out Baileys eyes lock on mine.
"Nice of you to join us (y/n)." She sarcastically states
"Yang your with Burke. Grey your with Sheppard and Avery your with Sloan."
"And as for you Dr. (Y/ln) your on scut." She eyes me down daring me to say something. I'm already late and I'm not gonna push my luck any further today.

The rest of my day is spent getting test results and doing paper work it goes by rather quickly in between all the paper work I wonder how tonight will go and try to plan out an outfit. Finally 6 comes around and it's time to go home.

I walk in the front door and meridith and Derek have already beat me home they both give me the I know what your up to smiles. I just roll my eyes and head upstairs for a shower.

After my shower I dry my hair put some loose curls in it and do my make up. Eventually I make it over to my closet and I go through everything and I cant find anything worthy of this date. Just as i throw my hands up and give up all hope i see a little black dress hanging in the very back. THATS IT!! Its perfect! It shows off my
Curves and comes down just above the knee. It fits to the body and makes my breast look like the chest of a goddess. I look hot if I may say so myself. I slip in my shoes and check the time its 7:40 time to go. I walk down the stairs to leave and all my roommates start whistling and cheering I just smile and walk out.

The bar has a small crowd but not to many. I walk over and immediately get a shot of tequila, meridith has made this my drink of choice, I dont plan to get drunk but just a small something to calm my nerves. I take my shot and go to turn around to see if I see him any where. I glance around and spot him over in the corner booth. He is just sitting there staring at me with a sly little grin on his face. 

I make it to the table and he stands to greet me. He is wearing a navy blue button down shirt open collar. It's the first time we have seen each other in anything but casual clothes and scrubs and I cant help but let my mind run wild at the idea of what I could be doing with this very delicious man. I realize I'm biting my bottom lip when he reaches up and kind of tugs on it with his thumb.
"I'd like to know what's going through that mind of yours (y/n)"he says
"Oh yes you would" I wink at him
"But before i tell you anything we should see how this goes."
"Whatever you say" he smiles
"(Y/n) you look absolutely stunning tonight"
I smile and he gestures for us to take a seat
We both order our drinks he gets a scotch and I get a margarita.

We have a little small talk about our favorite cases at work. And alittle this and that till I finally get the courage to ask about past relationships.
"So how long was your longest relationship." I'm wondering so I  can see how much work I have cut out for me.
"Honestly you know my reputation  as does everyone in the hospital I have had alot of one night stands but I have had one relationship that lasted alittle over a year but she wanted to get married and start a family but I just wasnt there yet." He says straight faced
"So are you planning on keeping your reputation or do you want to settle down one day?"
He just thinks for a minute and then looks up at me and says "one day when I know I have the right person I believe I might give the married life a try but until then I'm just me."
A slow song comes on and he stands holds out his hand and ask me to dance. I take his hand as he leads me to the middle of the floor. This bar is not made for dancing but it doesnt matter it feels as if we are the only two in the room as he sways us side to side and spends me around we get so lost in the dance we dont even realize the song has went off. Once we figure it out he dips me and we end the dance.
I was so busy thinking about his history and how hard I would have to work that it didnt really dawn on me that maybe he isnt trying to run from a commitment maybe that's just how it's happened because none of those women ever put any effort in with him. They just see how gorgeous he is they just jump into bed with him and that's it.

After the dance the date seems to be coming to an end.

"This has been amazing." I say as I kiss him softly on his cheek

"It really has" he gives me a small kiss back on the cheek
"Would you like me to give you a ride home." He ask
"Yes that would be nice."

The drive isnt to far. We arrive back at my house within 10 minutes. I go to open my door and he stops me.
"I know I may not come off as a gentlemen after all the things that people say at work but this is a date and I would like to open your door." Wow there is no way this is the same Mark from work
"Be my guest." I gesture to the door

He gets out and walks around the car and opens my door. He holds out his hand and I take it. He walks me up to the door. We say our goodnights and I turn to unlock the door and he grabs my wrist and spins me back to him. He slid his hands through my hair and our lips meet. It was like a sudden rush of electricity hit me.  His lips felt so soft against mine. He gently pulled his hand down from my hair and traced my side he barely grazes the side of both breast as he continues to pull his hands down as he began to wrap them around my lower back and bring every inch of me closer to him. The kiss deepened and his tongue slowly traced my bottom lip. The world has stopped turning and we are the only two left. As our lips move to the same rhythm I know I never want this kiss to end.

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