Chapter 10

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Rose's POV

    I squint as the sun shines through the window. I wake up thinking about what Reina said last night as I was falling asleep. I thought it was a dream, but now that I am waiting for Reina to wake up. I feel her start to stretch and wake up in the back of my mind. Before I can say anything, she starts scratching trying to take over repeating the one word that makes my blood run cold.

"Mate, Mate, Mate. We found are mate!" she screamed aesthetically in my mind.

I put up a mental block, so I wouldn't get a headache from her screaming. Even though I blocked Reina I still feel a slight electric tingle from his arm draped over my side. I lay here for a moment, enjoying the warm feeling spreading throughout my body. Reiland was laying on his stomach with his left arm stretched across my waist letting out a soft snore.

Carefully, I roll over to get a better look at him. Reaching out I run my fingers through his hair. My eyes trail down his body and I let out a gasp that turns into a strangled sob. I reach my hand out, but didn't touch his back. Scrambling I sit up to get a closer look.

    Raised scars covered his back creating deliberate pattern. It appears as though someone carved ancient symbols into his back. To have lasting damage on a werewolf, to this extent, someone would have had to cut deep with a silver knife laced with wolfsbane. The scars are thick enough that he would have had to be cut multiple times over the years to have lasting scars. The pain Reiland must've endured, its unimaginable. Tears stream down my face as I think of who could've done this.

    What shocked me the most wasn't the scars, but the dark red gemstone embedded in his back. Scar tissue surrounded the gem in the center of his back. The gem itself is gorgeous, a deep red that captures the light causing it to flicker as if it were alive. I feel a slight draw towards it reaching my hand out. I trace a few of the scars surrounding the stone before reaching out to touch it. Just as the tip of my finger touch the gemstone I was flipped onto my back.

    Reiland held my wrists growling as his claws extend cutting into my wrists. I yelped and struggle against his hold. Laying on my back I stare up into his blood red eyes. His wolf had taken over his whole body vibrating with rage. I rip one of my hands free and claw at his face. He wraps his free hand around my throat. I choke as his grip tightens. I claw at his arm and try to kick him off of me. White blotches dance in my vision. My purposeful punches turn to light slaps. Just before everything goes black I see his eyes go from red to brown.

    Gasping for breath I sit up. Coughing my hands go to my throat. I scramble to the bathroom to assess the damage. There's still some breathing, but for the most part it is healing. I look around for Reiland, but he is packed up and gone. My stomach drops and I can't help the aching in my chest. I don't know if I'm more hurt by the fact that he left or that his wolf attacked me.

    "It was like he was possessed. His wolf shouldn't have been like that." Reina says in denial. "We need to find him and make sure he's okay."

    "For fucks sake Reina. Are you serious right now? This stranger sleeps with us then chokes us until we passed out, and you want to make sure he's ok?! You saw his back. He was probability tortured, or he's some sick fuck who did it to himself. It's a recipe for disaster. We just need to forget about him and move on with our lives."

    Reina whimpers and backs into the recesses of my mind. I try to push the pain aside. Throwing on my dress from last night I grab my heels and leave the hotel. I do a quick jog to the edge of the woods. I quickly shift not caring about my dress, but I do gently grab my heels with my teeth because they are expensive.

    I sprinted back to the pack house. Focusing on the rush of the wind and the slight nip in the early morning air. I arrive at the pack house sooner than I would have liked. I shift and grab one of the many ribs that are hung up around the pack. Tying the silk robe closed I make a beeline to the kitchen.

    I brew a strong pot of coffee, I may not be hungover, but the events of the last twenty-four hours makes me feel like I've been hit by a truck. By the time I had finished my second cup the house was beginning to wake up. To my surprise the first person to join me in the kitchen was a panic-stricken stressed William.

"Nice of you to finally come back. Oh my Goddess Rose what happened to your neck. Neck time if you are going to get kinky give yourself enough time to heal. I don't need to see that. I am so glad that you are back though because..." he takes a deep breath, "We need to talk."

    For once I am stunned silent because my calm, cool and collected brother is not himself.

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