Meeting the Garde

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Sarah: Guys! My friend Amy is coming for supper, so be cool!
Nine: Won't be a problem...*stretches and flexes.
Marina: Ok! *makes room colder
Marina: Cool enough?
John: I'll make sure she feels welcome!
Sam: I'll... talk to her?
Six: I'll be in my room. Not being awkward...
Sarah: No, you stay here.
Amy: Hello?
Eight: She's here!
Nine: *walks to door
Nine: Hey, Amy. I'm Nine! I'm sure Sarah told you a lot about me... now, you have a boyfriend?
Sarah: NINE!!!
Nine: Geez, just making conversation! But seriously, do you?
Amy: No... and Sarah told me more about John.
Nine: *frowns
John: Hey Amy! Come on in and meet everyone else...
Eight: Hey, I'm Eight. Nice to meet you!
Marina: Hello! Oh, my gosh! Your hair is so pretty!
Sam: Um, hey! Uh, ... meet my girlfriend Six!
Sam: *grabs Six with Telekinesis as she tries to walk away.
Six: Hey! What's up?
Amy: Well, you are all... very nice...
Sarah: Wait, where's Ella?
Everyone: *silent
Everyone: *hears Mog blaster go off.
Six: *turns invisible with Sam
Eight: No... no!!!
Nine: FUCK YEAH! It's been far to long without a fight! *runs down hallway towards noise.
Sarah: oh crap.. Amy, just stay calm..
Marina: *makes icicles to shoot.
.. a few seconds later..
Nine: *walks down hallway holding Ella in front of him with Telekinesis.
Ella: Sorry, I found a blaster, in the closet, and wanted to shoot it, and.... Oh, Hi Amy!
Amy: Hi.
Five: Hey, Amy.
Marina: shoots ice at Five and hits his stomach
Marina: Get. Out. NOW!
Nine: You want me to shove a post through you again, because I gladly will! What'll it be Hobbit?
Marina and Nine chase after Five.
Amy: So, I'm guessing that's Five?

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