Garde on a hike

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Sarah: Guys guys! Look at that bird! *snaps a picture with camera.
Sam: Are we getting close?
Six: So... hot. *makes it cloudy
Six: Ah, that's better!
Marina: This hike is amazing! *mumbles* ...but so long...
Eight: I'm guessing teleportation is off the table...
John: Come on! We are getting closer! We can do this! We have Legacies, killed millions of Mogs, gotten stabbed and burned, nearly died countless times, and you guys are complaining about a hike? TOUGHEN UP!
Everyone: ...
Ella: I'm having fun! Let's go!
John: Wait, where's Nine?
*Everyone walks around corner on path
Nine: *Jumps out of bush... Raaargh!!
Six: *punches Nine in the nose.
Nine: Fuck! The hell Six?
Five: HA HA!
Marina: SERIOUSLY? FIVE GET LOST! Or I will take your other eye out and feed it to a bear!
Nine: Oh, that's not Five, that's the Hobbit who lives under the bridge we crossed! Hey little jackass! How's life in the swamp?

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