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"How?" He asked once more. 

"Before I explain, any reason why you hide your name?" Amai Mask realised the change of attitude. He seemed more serious, sharp and definately seemed smarter. 

"Well, you see... My father and mother are normal people who live in a normal house, with normal wages and normal appearances. Nothing is special about them. So when I was born, I became that 'special something' to them. I was popular at school, and had good grades, with the ability to do sports. People idolised me. But with popularity comes jealousy. One day, one of my fans was offering me some chocolate, and her boyfriend came along, ready to beat me up. I learnt my lesson that day. To be beautiful, one must know the consequences. I decided to take up some strength train-" 

"Woah woah woah! Make it short! Twenty words!" Saitama interrupted. 

"I wanted to cut myself away from what made me mundane, from my boring name. So that's why I hate the name." 

"That was twenty two words." Sweet Mask ignored him. 

"My turn, how did you know my name? Were you in my school?" 


"Did I work for you at some point?" 

"Dude, you're only a year younger than me." 

"You even know my age? Are you my secret fan? That's how you found out my real name?" 

"NO! Bleh! NO! Anyway, how good's your memory?" 


"Do you remember the graduates from Harvard?"

"Obviously." Some may wonder why, but Amai Mask always looked out for those better than him in any way. That was why he had to be number one in every way. He would always look into others who scored greater marks than he in exams, such as students who went to Harvard, who rarely got higher marks. 

"Do you remember graduates from five years ago?" 

"Yes. Three people got the highest scores in the history of their exams. Two women, and one man I believe."

"Remember their names?" 

"Emilia Balance*, Esma Khatri**, and Saitama Yuusuke" His face contorted into disbelief as the names left his mouth. "It can't be... Saitama... You're him!? YOU'RE HIM!?? THE FIRST JAPANESE MAN TO GET A SCORE AS HIGH AS YOU DID!?" 

"Haha... See? Now we both have a secret of each other. If you tell anyone, I will tell yours. If I tell yours, you can tell mine. And I doubt you would want your secret to go out. Nor do I want my secret to be spread." 

"Why?" The boastful man had no idea why he wanted to hide such a brilliant thing. 

"Why on earth would I want attention?" Suzuki Tarou stumbled at this. "It's tiring, and all it does it attract unwanted attention, as well as force yourself to live in the public eye." 

"I... I guess I understand." 

"Well then, by calculating how long I've been gone and the commotion I've caused, Genos should be arriving right about... Now." 


"Sensei? Aren't you stronger than him Genos? Or were you his student in studies?" 

"Sweet Mask? Why are you here. Or were you begging for the mercy of Saitama Sensei?"

"Why would I beg for mercy? What?" Amai mask was so confused...

"To answer your previous questions, Genos is my pupil, for some reason... I answered 'yes' to a different question and he mistook it for his question to be my disciple. No more answers! Good bye!!"

Saitama spoke too much and he knew it, so before Sweet Mask could hold him for any longer, he took Genos' arm and ran. 

He was gone in a breeze, leaving Sweet Mask with his hair in a nest, and also very, very confused. 

Questions scattered his mind, all somehow related to Saitama, but none of them will be answered today. 

So, with a jumbled mind and a tonne of unsolved riddles, Sweet Mask was forced to recede back to where he belonged: In front of his fans. 

Saitama on the other hand, returned to his home with Genos, only to find the rest of the Saitama group there, waiting for him. 

They all welcomed him with open arms, and for once, Saitama felt at ease in the presence of someone other than his family. 

Relishing in the moment, Saitama relaxed, opening a can of beer and drowning the drink down his throat. 

Now this, was a life he didn't mind to lead. No matter how short it may be.

Saitama woke up the next day with a head splitting ache. It wasn't from all the alcohol he had consumed, because it was actually Tatsumaki hitting his head multiple times with a massive rock, Fubuki depriving him of air, Bang had his arms in a lock around his head, strangling him slowly. 

Genos was still charging, and King was asleep. 

Yawning, Saitama pried off Bang's arms and gently tapped the psychic sisters' heads, then walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. 

The sisters' groaned when they felt a light bruise form on their foreheads, and Bang just stared at his arms, wondering if he had suddenly lost all his power. 

"Morning." Was Saitama's reply with a smirk. 

"So, what are you guys doing today?" King asked, picking up the garbage from last night.

"Dunno." However, the massive crash that resounded throughout City Z decided their day. 

The heroes excluding King headed to the sound, seriousness taking over. 

King on the other hand, decided to go to the heroes association headquarters in City A, with the help of Saitama. 

The usual punch of the air behind him sent King flying, accurately to headquarters. Tatsumaki, renowned for her cold attitude, surprised King slightly by letting the wind catch him, from a place far from her vision. 

King trotted up, past the main reception, ignoring the security who tried to run after him. 

"Mr. King! You cannot enter the room! They're in the middle of an important conference!" One of the man who caught up explained. 

"Do I look like I care?" King replied nonchalantly. The security heard the light thump of the King Engine, and immediately backed away, letting King enter the room. 

"King! What is it!" One of them men who was sitting around the long table asked, standing up. 

"There has been an attack on City Z. Tatsumaki, Bang, Genos, Fubuki and Saitama are on their way." 

"Why aren't you with them?" Another man, who nervously adjusted his glasses asked. Sweat, the size of marbles dripping in the presence of King. 

"There's something... Something I have to tell you..." 

"What?" King began to let the nervousness creep up to the question. He was looking at the ground, rather than the twenty most important people in Japan sitting there.  

"I am... I'm an S-class rank 7, but also, I am a fraud." King decided to start. 

"What do you mean?"

"All feats done by me. They were all false."

"How? You leave craters behind, and piles of monster flesh in your destruction.  How could you not be as powerful as you deny to be?"

"The man you adore as the strongest man on earth is not me, but another. A man that I have been stealing his glory from. A man who's received no credit because of me. A man I'm sure has crossed your mind at least once. Saitama, the B class rank 7 hero."

*/** both names are made up. They have no relations to actual people. Sorry for any confusion.

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