Chapter 16

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Layna's POV

Joe and Dianne had been training together for two weeks now and it was the Saturday of there first performance well they had already performed it. I really hope this thing he's got going with Dianne isn't just some fling because he's made her happy or happier. I was in Dianne's dressing room waiting for Dianne. Where the hell is she?

Dianne's POV

After the show was over Joe and I went back to our dressing room. As soon as the door was closed we were kissing. It's so hard trying to hide it. I just wanted to kiss Joe after the performance to say well done but couldn't for obvious reasons.

D-"Urm Joe I've got to go"
J-"What no just stay at mine"
D-"I can't I'm sorry"
J-"Dianne are you being serious"
D-"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"

I backed out of the room and ran to find Layna.

D-"Layna I'm so sorry"
L-"Your lipstick is smudged"
D-"Oh urm"
L-"Care to explain where you have been although about 5 minutes ago I realized this isn't your dressing room because it has a desk and computer in it"
D-"Took you that long"
L-"I'm related to you of course it did"
D-"Haha very funny"
L-"So you and Joe been making out in your dressing room"
D-"Where are you going"

Layna walked out onto the corridor and she knocked on my actual dressing room door, Joe answered.

J-"Di- not Dianne hi"
L-"Hi I'm Layna nice shade of lipstick Joe"
L-"I wonder what it's called is it ruby red or rose or perhaps it's called Dianne"
J-"Who are you"
L-"Your worst nightmare"
D-"Layna shut up and get in the dressing room"

She all were in the dressing room now. Layna has always had a very quick wit and it is funny but at the time it takes you by surprise.

D-"Layna is my little sister and an annoying one to"
L-"At least I wasn't to busy making out with someone to come and get there sister"
D-"Layna not here"
L-"Why you scared I'm gonna embarrass you in front of Joe"
J-"I think I'll go"
D-"Joe don't move"

I stared at Layna until she apologized to Joe.

L-"Fine... I'm sorry Joe"
D-"For What"
L-"Speaking to you like that it was more aimed at Dianne"

Joe laughed and said "don't worry it's fine"

L-"So whilst we're here do you guys want to go and get something to eat I'm starving"
D-"Always thinking about your stomach"
J-"Can imagine where she gets it from"
L-"This guy is funny Dianne I like him"

We went to get food and continued to laugh and talk. Layna liked Joe which I was happy about. Phew! I'm glad Joe found Layna's wit funny because some people don't get it and get offended.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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