Chapter 15

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Dianne's POV

Grandpa-"Dot come here love"

My Grandpa brought me into a warm embrace just like the ones he gave me as a child. I felt young again. I mean that's one of the main reasons why we visit family it's to be reminded of memories and our beloved childhood.

D-"So hows mum"
L-"In a critical condition as per usual she's not getting better and she's not getting worse her vitals, however, remain stable"

Whilst Layna was talking Avery and I looked at each other. It pained us to see how fast she has grown up. With our mum being in and out the hospital for years Layna has come to accept that mum will probably never get better. However, she is much braver than me because I still haven't come to accept it yet. Layna speaks very well for her age she doesn't tend to use slang maybe that'd because she's never really gone to school our grandpa and I have always homeschooled her. When mum is having a good day sometimes she'll teach her as well. Layna isn't like anyone her own age. Just before I could ponder any more mum woke up.

Layna's POV

M-"D is that you"
D-"Yeah ma"
M-"I thought the medication was making me go crazy"
D-"No it's really me"
M-"How was the first day of training"
L-"She really likes her partner"

Dianne looked at me with dagger eyes I just turned around and laughed. Grandpa looked at me strangely but didn't think much of it he knew I loved to wind Dianne up. I was going home with Dianne today because Grandpa has to stay at the hospital with my mum because she having another surgery but he'll pick me up in the morning. We sat and talk for a while with mum before Dianne and I went back to her house.

L-"Have you heard about dad"
D-"No what's happened"
L-"He's getting transferred back over here for a bit"
D-"How long"
L-"I'm not too sure"
L-"Can I visit him when he comes"
L-"Also I've got a fight the Sunday after the first week of strictly"
D-"What type"
L-"What do you mean"
D-"What type of fighting"
L-"Many it's a very open competition you can use pretty much any martial art you want"
D-"Who are you against"
L-"Well it's actually a tournament but the first person is this big guy from the north"
D-"Big guy"
L-"Yeah he has barely any muscle I think he might just be permanently carb loading"

Dianne laughed. She didn't like me fighting but it gets my anger out and not to blow my own trumpet but I'm pretty darn good at it and you can thank my dad for that.

Follow my Instagram: suggwell_city
Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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