Chapter 5

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Joe's POV

Through the speakers, the producer's voices spoke.
P-"All pros and celebrities meet in the green room"
Right, I need to get to the green room. I couldn't really remember where it was so I hoped I was walking in the right direction. Oops. I arrive thankfully in the right place, I see Dianne across the other side of the room she smiled at me. I got butterflies in my stomach when she smiled. It was probably just nerves for the show. The producers and directors went through what would happen with us and what order everything was in. They told us they had a few last things they needed to sort out before the show started so they stood all of the celebs in line. Women at one side and men at the other. They then put the pros in line as well women at one side and men at the other. We were all stood in a sort of box shape. I looked at Dianne and she looked back. She pulled a funny face which made me laugh a little.

{Directors POV~David}

I noticed Dianne and Joe looking at each other and laughing. Their heights also suited each other, maybe we should change there pairings. At the moment Joe was paired with Janette and Dianne was paired with Ranj. I don't know. They had really good chemistry to say they only just met. I tend to spot things like this more than the others as I am head of the couples each year. I basically have to figure out who has good chemistry from about 2 minutes they spend with each other so I have to be good at picking up stuff. But they seemed to have better chemistry than Ranj and Dianne or Joe and Janette. They would be more suited and their height would work better. I need to talk to the rest of the team. I actually had no idea why we put them all in lines. There was no reason to but we had to come up with something. Maybe we could get them into groups that way we could figure out who had what chemistry. Maybe the pros could show the celebs around and answer any questions they have. I'll put most people into big groups but a few people I needed to make sure I got the couples right.
David-"Right so we are going to put you into groups and the pros are going to show the celebs around and answer any questions they have"
The other directors and producers gave me a funny look but I ignored them.
David-"So the first group... Joe, Ranj and then from the girls Dianne and Janette please"
Janette=Jan Ranj=R
Jan-"Where should we go first"
David-"Anywhere you like"
Jan-"What about the stage"
R-"Sounds great"
J-"Let's go"

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Check out my other Joanne story:
•Back In Time
•The Wedding Planner

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