A Fresh Start

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Authors note: haven't wrote in a while so this chapter is pretty choppy, stick with me it smooths out.

It started in grade two. A new year and sadly the new school. My family had moved again this time we were up north, in the cold of Canada. The one thing I was thankful for was that this place was a new beginning for me. No one to remind me of my past. I didn't think I was going to like it here but I learned to.

By grade three I had made new friends and new enemies. This girl Casey know as the definition of perfection in our minds at that time, with her long blond hair and blue eyes she overpowered us all. She took me under her wing when I first moved here. But all she wanted to do was change me make me more like her. I couldn't stand her constantly telling me what to do, how to act, what to say, and what to wear. So I left her group and I knew that this may have been a bad decision to make but I refused to change myself for her. But now she hates me and shes making my life horrible. To top it off she is the most popular girl in our grade and shes making all her friends hate me. But I learned it's best just to ignore them, well partly. I hung on that year staying clear of her and boy was I glade when summer rolled in. Finally I could let my guard down and be happy. Until next year is what I thought.

But thank the heavens that Casey moved to Alberta that summer. But my nightmares weren't over yet.

I still had people I barley knew who didn't like me. They thought I was too loud and weird just abnormal and should be avoided. But they only ever went up to calling me weird to my face. Up till grade four it was the basic, insulting me, not letting me play with them at recess, and ignoring me and giving me dirty looks. I got use to that in a while and found with time a little easier to cope with.

But in grade five they decided it was time to take up there behavior to a higher level.

Authors note: Hey guys this is my first story if ya cant tell. I just want to say it dose get better so stick with me here. LThe first 2 or so chapter a pretty bad since I haven't written in a while so I ask you to not to give up on my after this chapter. thanks. :)

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