18✖️The Truth Is Out

Start from the beginning

Anna was born on May 8th, 1998 without a father and sadly loosing her mother during birth. As a growing child, Anna lived with her grandparents; clearly abused and not treated to the right standards. Therefore, the effect this had on the juvenile lead to serious anxiety making it difficult to find an orphanage for Anna once her grandparents passed.
Eventually, a home in Busan was offered; holding seventeen other unfortunate children.

According to the records, Anna didn't settle in too well; constantly arguing with other juveniles and the workers. It then came to fact that Anna suffered a serious anxiety attack, wrecking the place down such as bedrooms and offices. Due to the fact the owner was a heavy smoker- he was known to have a collection of lighters which Anna somehow got ahold of. Therefore committing a serious criminal offence: arson.

Eleven children and four out of nine workers didn't get out in time. Whereas the remaining, suffered serious third degree burns or long term cancer effects because of the thick smoke. During the fire, Anna was found cradled in a ball in the corner; screaming, admitting her offence. As the building became weak, several parts were collapsing. Meaning before rescue was able to reach Anna, part of the ceiling above her collapsed.

In conclusion, Anna is currently in a coma. She won't be charged due to her age. Hence, she has been relocated to a Mental Health Asylum (which cannot be named because of privacy.) As for causing public anger, her identity will be kept secret for her own protection. There hasn't been a prediction yet about when Anna will wake up but by the looks of the scientific evidence, it won't be for a while. However, it was agreed if Anna wakes up without any knowledge of her past, she will be released immediately.

"Anna..." Taehyung whispered, softly as tears aggressively rushed down my face. He opened his arms, offering me a safe haven to release my tears. I gladly took the offer, burying myself into his warmth while his hand remained stroking my back.

I took a deep breath, anger growing upon me.

"Why haven't I been released, I woke up without knowledge."

Taehyung copied my actions, taking a deep, steady breath.

"Because this is Bricondale Anna. They're abusive. This place shouldn't be standing, it should've shut down years ago."

"But why hasn't it?" I asked in confusion.

"Because they're fake. Whenever inspectors come round, all the dark secrets are hidden." Frustration could be heard in his voice, pulling apart from our hug. "You've been here longer than me Anna."

"So you think the Mental asylum that couldn't be named was Bricondale?"

He nodded in response. "It seems like you've been here in a coma for fifteen years."

"Oh my god." I whispered. This was so surreal. It's usually only in the movies serious backstories or long comas happen; you forget things like this can actually take place. Even if they do, you never even think about them happening to you.

"They're holding us captive." It all came to sense. I have full right to leave this asylum.

Taehyung grabbed my hand, running his fingers over my palm.

"I know, and this is why we need to escape."

"You two are in serious trouble."




This chapter was extremely interesting to write; it's a nice feeling letting out all the information about Anna. I'm sorry if I upset anyone in this chapter, I'm always here to talk if you want someone to talk to.

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring?

Thank you all for the sweet comments I'm receiving, I'm glad you enjoy this book! I do really have fun writing this book and I look forward to releasing chapters.

So... I hope your day/night is going great, and you're all beautiful!

With love,
Star. X

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