Bella's Beginning

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(1939) Third Person's POV

"Ok gentlemen, as of today the US canine unit is joining the world war. Our main target is Germany and to take our Adolf Hitler" a colonel tells his squad.

"Does that mean we'll be getting our dogs sir?" a handler asks him.

"Yes, you will all choose your war canine today. Then spend the next ten months training them and forming a bond with them. Once that is over you will be given your orders" the colonel explains. He lets out a whistle and a dark German Shepherd appears sitting beside him. "This is Butch, one of our best trained war dogs. He and female had a little of six puppies eight weeks again. Today you'll choose which puppy to raise and train. The ones not picked will be taken by future recruits" he explains.

He then leads the four young men to a near by tent where the puppies are playing. But one stood away from the rest and catches the eye of Private Rick Johnson. While the other men go look at the other puppies, he goes to her.

"Hey little girl" he says gently kneeling in front of her. She looks up at him with her bright blue eyes. He smiles holding a hand out to her and she sniffs it. Before whining for a pat, which he happily gives.

"Private, have you chosen your canine?" the colonel asks.

"Yes, her" Rick says standing beside the small female.

"Are you sure? There are bigger pups" the colonel tells him.

"She's the one for me sir" Rick tells him confidentially.

"Very well, fall in line soldier" the colonel orders.

"Come girl" Rick instructs and the pup follows him happily. Where the other handlers in training have already chosen their canines.

"You have each chosen your partner for the next seven years. I suggest you take the rest of the day to start forming a bond of trust with your canine. And name them. The real training begins tomorrow at 0700" the colonel tells the handlers. "Dismissed" he orders and leaves with Butch along with the two other puppies.

Rick picks up his puppy and carries her to his tent. He sits on his bed with her beside him. "I suppose I should name you first" he muses looking at the puppy. "You are very beautiful, how about Bella?" he suggests. She lets out a bark wagging her tail, liking her new name. "Bella it is" Rick says with a chuckle. They spend the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other and Rick starting to teach her simple commands.

He then goes to eat his dinner. Then returns to his bunk and feeds Bella. Fills her water bowl and clips a lead to her small collar. After tying it to the end of his bed. "We should get some rest, it's going to be an early morning" he states laying down after pulling his boots off.

As he starts to full asleep Bella whines. "No Bella, you sleep on the ground" Rick tells her. He'd decided to be firm from the very beginning with her training. She then starts to howl. "Oh alright" he relents picking her up after unclipping her leash. "But just for tonight" he tells her as she snuggles into his chest. They both fall asleep.

(Ten months later)

Bella woke up at dawn and looks up at her handler. She licks his cheek wagging her tail. Rick grumbles and rolls over to avoid her tongue. She whines and jumps onto the bed. Then lays on him barking lowly. "I'm up, get off you over grown pup you" Rick chuckles sitting up. Bella yips happily and licks his nose.

"Down" Rick orders and she hops off the bed. He feeds her and starts to put on his gear. For the last ten months he has trained Bella and they have become the best canine team in their squad. Rick has even been promoted to Sergent. Today they'd be given their orders and then leave tomorrow morning.

Rick finished getting ready and clips Bella's leash to her collar. They leave the tent and join the other canine handlers with their canines. Not just their squad, but all the canine training units. The colonel starts to call out the soldiers and hands them their orders.

"Sergent Rick Johnson" he calls and Rick steps forward with Bella. "You are to go to Camp Lehigh in New Jersey. You'll be answering to Colonel Phillips. Whatever he tells you to do, you do it. When at the camp you help protect it and train new recruits" he instructs.

"Would we not be better on the front lines sir?" Rick asks him.

"You'll get there soon" the colonel assures him. Rick leaves with Bella feeling dejected. He'd hoped to go to Germany to help take down Hitler. Guess he'd have to wait a little longer.

(Camp Lehigh)

Rick and Bella arrived safely. Once they arrived Colonel Phillips ordered that they help promote the war. To encourage others to join for a few months before going to war. Rick was not happy, but agreed to it as it is his job to follow orders.

A few months later Rick and Bella were finally allowed into combat. Just like in training they were one of the best canine teams. Colonel Phillips felt proud to have them on their side, though he'd never admit it. Bella could go from a savage war dog to a playful dog in the blink of an eye. She may only be 2 foot 4 at her shoulders and weigh nearly seventy pounds. But she has a higher kill count then some of the soldiers.

Which has made her a target for HYDRA. Not that her handler or the US army know this. All they know is that Germany kills or captures any canine they come across. If they canine's handler isn't paying attention or the canine doesn't obey the order to hide.


Rick has been killed in action protecting Bella. She was shipped back to Camp Lehigh for retraining and to find a new handler. But she won't let anyone near her and has fallen into depression. It was decided to use her for breeding, by sending her back to her birth place. But before that happens the Roger siblings appear and give her a second chance to be a war heroine.


Picture above of Rick Johnson and on the external link of puppy Bella.

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