Mason doubted that but nodded anyway, leading his sister into the living room and towards the front door. "Just call me when you get it alright. Don't be a stranger."

With a small smile, Ashley said her goodbyes and headed towards, what Mason thought was, her hideous pink beetle car. When he saved enough money, he wanted to buy her a new car but knowing Ashley, she'd probably refuse the gesture. She was stubborn like that.

As he watched the car drive off into a tiny speck, he couldn't help but let his eyes wonder towards another car coming down the road. A sleek black BMW that began to slow down and stop in front of Mason's house. The engine was cut and the doors opened revealing two men both in black suits, one with a black towel hanging from his arm. Mason stared at them in confusion, his feet refusing to move him as he watched them walk up towards his door.

"Can I help you guys with something?" he asked suspiciously.

The man with smooth mocha skin and long hair tied back into a bun spoke first. "Reynolds, isn't it? We're from the Bureau..." both men brought out badges and flashed them briefly before the man went on. "and we're just here to check up on the investigation."

Distrustfully, Mason crossed his arms. "It's fine. Nothing has changed since the last time we've talked to you guys. Shouldn't you be speaking with my higher up?"

"Aren't you in charge of the case?"

Mason didn't say anything, his eyes focusing back on the towel that hung on the other man's arm, his blonde hair sleeked back with gel and his green eyes peering past Mason into his house. Before he even had a chance to inquire about the towel, his wrist was suddenly grabbed, handcuffs clicking around them in a swift motion.

"What the hell is this!?" he snapped in both confusion and anger at the action, not noticing as the blonde took the towel off of his arm and came face to face with him. Immediately the cloth was in his face, covering both his nose and his mouth as he struggled against it. Gasping, a strong and overly sweet taste gathered in the back of his throat, his head feeling light almost immediately. Still, with his movements lagging, Mason still tried to fight them off, until he saw it.

Underneath the sleeve that had slightly risen on the blonde's arm was a tattoo. The same tattoo that he had seen in Vanessa and a lot of other gang members. The same tattoo that he would no doubt find somewhere on Cyan.

It was Elliot's tattoo. His gang's insignia.

A minute or two had passed before Mason couldn't fight the effects of the chloroform and his body forcefully pulled him from reality and into unconsciousness.


Cyan writhed in pain, holding his head and trying not to let out the scream that was stuck in his throat. He felt dehydrated and instantly regretted not taking Mason's offer of water.

Then again, he also didn't. Fuck Mason.

Cyan laid on the ground, unable to get back up due to the weakness he had felt. He couldn't help but remember how much of a painful death this had been. No, scratch that. How painful it was until his body would start shutting down. Then, he would become peaceful. He just had to wait.

Through his pained groans, Cyan couldn't help but notice the heavy footsteps that had came in the house, a loud thud vibrating the walls before the footsteps began getting closer and closer. Finally, the door opened and instantly Cyan recognized the two men, relief feeling like a drug for just a moment.

"Jonah... Sam..." he happily called out, receiving small nods towards his direction. Sam, the blonde, raised a slight eyebrow, heading back to get Cyan some water while Jonah walked towards him and helped him sit up against the wall.

"Please don't tell me I'm hallucinating."

"No. Elliot sent us."

"Is he angry?" Cyan asked excited, wincing at the headache that had come on once again.

"Absolutely livid sir," Jonah replied with a smile before it faded. That couldn't be good.

"And?" Cyan pressed.

"Elliot was beyond livid. Anyone who even bothered coming to him, if he had something against them, he didn't show mercy. But soon, he started thinking about it."

Sam had come in and handed Cyan a glass of water, which the boy hurriedly downed down. He felt better...just a little. "Started thinking about what? Stop beating around the bush and spit it out."

"Elliot thinks this situation is actually a good thing."

"I'm sorry, what!?" Maybe it was the slight delirium that had came over him that had made him mishear the man. That had to be the reason because this wasn't a fucking good thing!

"Both the department and the Bureau are starting to get suspicious of Elliot's undercover workers."

"You guys aren't even part of that. Elliot would never have his undercover connections get the tattoo, it's a dead giveaway."

"No shit," Sam piped up, earning a glare from Cyan. "But getting fake identification isn't exactly rocket science."

"Elliot thinks this is a better solution if handled correctly. Pretend to testify. Pretend to be on their side but don't just do a complete 180, it'll bring up suspicion."

"Are you fucking kidding me!? I'm going through withdrawal and Elliot wants me to play with the police!? Tell Elliot he can get off his fucking high horse, take that idea and shove it up the farthest depths of his ass."

"Elliot also said withdrawal only lasts a couple of days to maybe a week. As long as you're hydrated and he knows that the police will take care of you. Anyways he says you need a break from the shit. At least while you're away from him." Jonah shrugged. "Elliot knew you wouldn't like the idea but he said you'll do it anyway ."

"And what makes him so fucking sure."

"You love him too much not to."

Cyan glared at Jonah for a moment before a frustrated sigh left his lips and he was holding his head again. "When you go back... Tell Elliot I can't do this sober. Tell him that I'm dying here, it's fucking hell and he should know this."

"Tell him yourself. He's coming here later on while we get to have fun with that detective in there for taking you in the first place. Just because Elliot is content with the idea that you're in custody doesn't mean he still isn't pissed that you were taken in the first place." Sam said with a grin and a small shake of his hand.

" Where is he anyway?"

"Back of car tied up. We'll return him after Elliot leaves. Oh and Elliot asked where your phone is?"

Cyan hadn't even bothered to think about that but then again, there were more pressing matters on his hands. Such as the walls around him beginning to crumble and the floor feel as if they were shaking. He shut his eyes with a groan and shook his head. "The last time I had my phone was..." he thought for a moment. "...when Carter called me to tell me the cops were looking for me. I must've left it In the car Elliot was in."

"I'll have someone go and destroy it," Jonah muttered, taking Cyan my his wrist and grabbing a thin needle from out of his breast pocket, beginning to pick at the cuffs before Cyan was free.

"For now, I'm gonna get you a bottle of water and you're gonna stay put until Elliot gets here." Jonah stood up, motioning Sam to come with him as they left.

Cyan just screamed.

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