Take It Slow

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     Chapter 1: Take It Slow

"Kay, wait up!" I whipped around at the distinct sound of my best friend's voice. With only so many kids per grade, you knew the voice of everyone at this little private school, and Ethan's voice most definitely stood out. This acne-ridden shorty ran up and placed a hand on my shoulder as he caught his breath. He fixed his glasses and blazer and stood up. Before he could get to his full height I embraced him.

"I missed you, little dude." I backed away and reached to muss up his blue locks.

"I'm taller than you." He stated and crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to act confident though I could most definitely see his pink dusted cheeks. We talked about our summers as we walked to our homeroom.

"Miss Larson, Mr. Nestor." Our teacher nodded to us. He gestured for us to follow him. He led us to the front office, causing me and Ethan to exchange frantic looks. Were we in trouble? What had we done recently that could render an escort to the office?

"Hello." I heard a rich voice say. I turned to see a handsome Asian guy with dark hair. Next to him stood a giddy kid with vibrant green bangs. Both boys were of Ethan's height. I blushed a little as the dark-haired one stuck out a hand. "Mark Fischbach."

"Kaylee Larson," I said shyly, my cheeks burned and I felt Ethan's elbow jam into my side.

"I know he's hot but maybe be a little more subtle." He whispered in my ear. I snorted a little before immediately turning around and covering my face in shame. "Real subtle."

"Sean McLoughlin," the other boy introduced with a prominent Irish accent. I turned, head down, to shake his hand. As Ethan introduced himself, I stared at my feet freaking out in my head.

"You two will be- uh Kaylee can you please pick up your head? You're being rude," I looked up and our teacher continued. "As I was saying, you two will be our new students' tour guides."

"What about our classes?" Ethan asked. I could feel Mark's eyes burning into me.

"You've been excused and all important papers are being sent home by mail." The teacher answered. "Well be on your ways then."

We exited the office and stood in the hall for a short second. Jack and Mark were looking over their schedules when Mark looked at me.

"Your hair is really cool," he began, "I had my bangs dyed for a while before going back to my natural colour."

"Um... thanks." I giggled a little. Another sharp jab from Ethan.

"Are you two dating?" Jack asked. Ethan blushed, I stood up straighter.

"No, we're just friends," I answered cooly.

"Okay then! Well, let's start with the tour." Ethan interrupted. We all looked relieved for Ethan's interjection, as it cut the tension cleanly.

"First off will be the senior's pod." I started as we walked to the pod. I pointed to the walls. "Your lockers will be somewhere on one of these four walls. Locker numbers please."

"122," Mark listed.

"123," Sean added. I lead them to the wall of lockers to my left. I pointed to the second locker in,

"That's my locker, next to it is my sister-"

"Kate Larson is here! Praise me b*tches!" She sidled up to Mark. "Hey cutie, wanna skip and go down to the beach in my Mini?"

"I'll take a pass, your sister was kindly showing me the ropes of this school. So please f*ck off and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, you snake." Mark defended as he slapped her perfectly manicured hand off his bicep. The witch pouted and opened her locker only to have the final warning bell ring at that exact moment.

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