Glenn Davies turned to Sherri as she gave an imperceptible nod and pushed a pile of papers towards the girls.

"I've already looked over your contracts," said Sherri. "Everything seems in order."

"So if you're happy to sign," said Glenn. "We have a deal."

"We'd still like to read them over first," said Jadine.

"Just for our own peace of mind," added Molly gently.

Typical Jadine, smiled Amy. Always savvy. And typical Molly. Always aware of everyone's feelings. But even Jake had told Amy that if they were offered a contract carved out of gold, they should still read the fine print. In fact, she'd been surprised but he'd given her a lot of great advice over the last week. How the band should handle their media inferno. How they should put prioritise their music going forward. And how the girls should stick together - no matter what.

In fact he'd been so great, Amy had decided to level with him.

"Jake, I don't think this is going to work out between us," she'd said on their last date at Soho's uber-trendy club, Gobo.

"How so?" he asked, in that typical laid back manner of his slouching into one of Gobo's purple velvet couches.

"I really like you, but..."

"Is it the hat?" he said, pointing at his straw fedora with a purple feather proudly attached to one side.

"Partly," she said.

Jake instantly tossed it aside.

"The jeans?"

Amy wrinkled her nose, then burst out laughing as Jake removed his too-tight skinny jeans embroidered with crucifixes and peace symbols.


Amy didn't even have chance to show her disdain for the creased cheese-cloth creation before Jake was wrestling it over his head. She looked around and saw London's trendiest types smiling indulgently at the naughty-boy rock star who could do what he wanted.

"Want me to take these off too?" smiled Jake, pointing at his undies.

"No!" laughed Amy.

"Fair enough," said Jake, settling back into his seat. "Look babe, I know you're only seeing me as a publicity kick."

Amy wasn't surprised she'd been rumbled. The fact she'd turned down his trip to Paris and still wouldn't sleep was a sure sign she didn't fancy him.

"But I like you," he continued. "You've got spirit. And you're sexy as hell."

Amy smiled.

"And we have fun don't we? Though we could have a hell of a lot more if you didn't run off at midnight like some sort of sexy Cinderella," he grinned with a twinkle in his eye.

Amy had to admit that Jake Miskew certainly wasn't boring. And as their dates had progressed he talked less about himself and more about her and her music. He'd even apologised for being "up his own arse" on their first date - "comes with the job!" he'd joked. Amy had to admit she did find him endearing. But sexy? Boyfriend material? A potential rival to Derren McKenzie?

Amy got up to leave. "I'd better go."

"Your call, babe. Just know you're breaking my heart here." said Jake, as he jokingly mimed his heart shattering into a million pieces, before taking another swig of his whiskey sour.

Amy was sure Jake would survive. There were plenty of girls vying to get into the roped off VIP area of Gobo to bag a hotshot rock star boyfriend - even one sat there in his pants.

She knew their paths would cross again, after all now they'd both be signed to the same record label - Riva Records.

As the girls finished reading the contracts - Molly and Jadine digesting every word, Amy and Rhian giving a light skim, Kat doing something in between - Glenn handed each of them a gold plated Montblanc pen embossed with the words Melody 5 ~ Riva Records.

"Those are for you to keep," smiled Glenn.

As Amy finally signed the contract she felt like leaping on the table and bursting into song. It had been a long journey - but all the disappointment, heartache, doubt and frustration had been worth it. She couldn't wait to share the news with her parents. She only wished she could call Derren and share it with him too. But in her heart she knew she was sharing the moment with exactly the right people - Jadine, Molly, Rhian, Kat and Lena. She even felt a twinge of shame for being so hasty to bail on Lena and was glad that in the end she hadn't.

Amy knew she'd found an amazing bunch of girls who'd always be there for each other. No matter what. And she realised this wasn't the end of the journey - but the beginning.

As Glenn Davies popped open a bottle of champagne and Sherri handed out glasses, the girls all screamed and hugged

"To Melody 5," toasted Glenn.

"To Melody 5!" cheered everyone.

Melody 5 - Rising StarsWhere stories live. Discover now