Man he just knows what to say and how to press my buttons.
I go into my room and make sure my bag is ready because the group will kill me if I'm late. So if I do this now all I gotta do in the morning is get ready and eat. Perfect.

"Dinners ready" dad shouts from downstairs.

The rest of the night we all enjoyed our spaghetti bolognese (my favourite), watched some family guy and then went into our rooms. I caught up on a few YouTube videos and finished a chapter on a book I'm writing. I then set my alarm for 7 and went too sleep. When falling asleep I even had butterflies where I was so excited but so nervous.



I roll over and hit my phone multiple times trying to find the snooze. I wasn't ready to get up yet.


Ugh someone turn it off.


"OMG AMBER GET UP AND TURN YOUR STUPID ALARM OFF" Jax screams from outside my door
He giggles and walks into the bathroom.
Shit, I do need to get up and get ready.
I quickly leap out of bed and stretch while looking at myself in the mirror. I pick up my phone send a picture to my group chat to let them know I'm awake.
"Right. Let's do this" I say to myself
I go into my closet and put on my uniform. It felt weird getting into this again, it had been ages. I then do my usual makeup of brows, mascara and some clear lipgloss.
"Breakfast is ready"
I run downstairs and see waffles, nutella and bananas on my plate.
"Mmm nice one mum"
We all sit round the breakfast bar and indulge into our waffles. What a great way to start the day. Shortly after we had all finished eating my dad hit us with,

"Come on then guys we've got to leave"
"Two secs I just need to go toilet then we can leave"
"Hurry up Amber. You're the one that wanted to leave this early" - Jax smiles
I walk towards the bathroom and when my parents aren't looking I stick my middle finger up at him and grin. That boy really gets under my skin.

"Right come on then"

We all get into the car and head off. School wasn't that far from my house and as we got closer I started to get really nervous and then I realised that everyone was going to see Jax getting out my car! This year really was going to be different.

We arrive at school at 7.59. Wow I'm even early for a change. I grab my things and Jax and I get out the car.

"I'll see you around I guess" Jax says as he nods of while walking to his group of mates.

"Ahhh Amber!" The group shout as they run over to me"
"Wow you're actually on time" - Lucas
"I said I would be didn't I?"
"Ooo Hanna show Amber that picture of Ben" Jas says while raising her eyebrows
Hanna shows me a picture of Ben in the mirror with his face in. That was the first time I had seen him and I guess he was cute. He just wasn't my type.
"Omg he's so cute"
"I know right!" Han blushes
"Awhh Hannnn getting all shy" Luke nudges her.
"Ha. Tell us about Rosie then"
"Well there's not much too tell yet but we've been talking for the past 2 weeks"
"Corrrr you really did get over Amber quickly"
"JAS" Hanna and I shout
"Sorry, sorry. Go on"
"That's it really. We get on really well and I'm sure once yous really got to know her you'd like her to"
"Well I can't wait to speak to her if things progress" I smile.
"Right, where's this new boy at then?" Jas searches
"Thought you and might Max were a thing" Han says
"Max and I, yeah I don't know what that is. And anyway I was looking for Amber"
"I think I've had enough boy drama"
"You can never have too many boys" Jas winks
"Classy. Reallll classy"
We all laugh. We were interrupted by Emma and her clan strutting over towards us. What in the world could she want.
"Can we help you?"
"Question. How much did you have to pay Jax to get out your car this morning? I get there's being desperate but shallow aswell, Jesus girl have some standards"
My friends and I just burst out laughing.
"Something funny?" One of her minions say.
"Amber didn't have to pay Jax anything. He lives with her."
All their faces change and their jaws hit the ground.
"Are you frickin kidding me rn? Ballshit. Why would he be living with you?"
"Oops gotta go now. Nice speaking to you, as always"  I say this with such confidence. Emma didn't scare me no more. No matter what I did she was always going to cause me problems so I might aswell stand up for myself at the same time. My friends and I linked arms and walked inside.
"That was awesome! Did you see the look on her face?" Lucas laughed.
"Absolutely priceless"

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