Twenty Six

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"And I wonder, and I wonder how to keep a good thing going"

The sound of laughter hits my ears as I race up the stairs and towards Logans room

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The sound of laughter hits my ears as I race up the stairs and towards Logans room. I hear Sweet peas voice calling out to me as I stumble into the room.

"Get the hell out of this house." I say, borderline angry.

Logan stands up, "Cal, what the hell is going on?"

I ignore him as I walk closer to where Quinn is now standing.

"Callie please." I hear Sweet pea say behind me.

"Should you tell him or shall I?" I say

Quinn glances up at Sweet pea and then back to me, "You wanna tell me what this is about?"

I stare her down for a moment before answering, "Penny." Is all I say before walking over to Logan.

"You deserve to know what they did, if you wanna hangout with them after this then fine, that's your choice but i can't. I won't." I say

"How the hell did you even find out?" I hear Quinn ask me.

Turning towards her i answer, "She showed up at the Wyrm, I asked Sweet pea if you were both involved and he answered truthfully."

"If you'll just let us explain-" I interrupt before she can finish, "You helped mutilate someone! You held her down as Jughead cut off her tattoo!" I yell.

"Wait what?" I hear Logan say from behind me.

"Penny isn't a good person, she got what was coming to her." Quinn says.

I shake my head, "What makes you guys any better than her? You may not have been holding the knife but you were holding her down as she screamed in pain and that's just as bad."

Sweet pea interjects, "Our first law is no serpent stands alone, we can't just abandon our family and friends when they need us."

"What if you're asked to do something worse? Where do you draw the line?" I ask them both.

They both stay silent so I continue, "There will come a time when you're asked to do something so horrific and unforgivable that you may not even be able to look your family and friends in the eyes, and you will need to ask yourself if following the order will be worth the guilt and pain that will come along with it."

We all stood in silence for a moment before Logan broke it, "I think you guys should go."

Quinn doesn't say anything and just walks out, Sweet pea looks at me for a moment before following after her.

Logan sits on the floor in front of his bed and I do the same. We both sit in the silence, trying to process everything that happened.

"Screw this, lets go." Logan says, getting up and pulling me up with him.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as he drags me out of the room and towards the front door.

"We're gonna adopt a puppy."


"I can't beleive we're about to do this." I say as we stand outside the animal shelter.

"Puppies make everything better." He says

"I thought that was ice cream?"

"You wanna get ice cream instead?

I shake my head and walk through the doors. It's a small store, so there's not a lot of animals. Which is kind of a good thing because now I won't be as tempted to take them all home with me.

We walk over to where they keep the puppies and there's only three of them, all German shepherds. My eyes immediately fall on the one that's staring at me with it's tongue out.

"That's the one." I say to Logan

"The one whos got it's tongue hanging out?"

"Yep. That okay with you?"

He nods his head and goes to get the worker. I stick my hand in the pen and start to pet him, Logan and the worker come back a few minutes later.

"Alright so you guys know which one you want?" The worker asks

I nod my head and point to the one from earlier.

"Good choice. There was originally five puppies from the litter and he was the only male. Most people who come in here want the females." He says as he puts a collar on him and hooks the leash on to it.

"Which one of you will be signing the papers?" He asks as we walk to the front desk. The worker who I now know as Tom, ties the puppy to the a hook on the side of the front desk.

Logan and I look at each other, "You can sign them, I wanna go and get some stuff for him before we leave." I say

It takes me a few minutes but eventually I find everything that we'll need. Toys, food, poop bags, a new leash and collar, a dog bed, food and water bowls.

I head up to the counter and pay for the stuff while Logan finishes up signing the papers.

"Does he have a name yet?" I ask

"No, the people who dropped them all off figured it would be better if the people adopting them could also name them."

I nod, "Guess that means we'll have to think of some names for him on the way home."

Logan finally finished signing the papers and the worker unties our new puppy and hands his leash to me while Logan grabs all the stuff I bought for him.

"Thank you." I say to Tom

"Come back anytime." He says

And with that we make our way home, our new puppy happily walking in front of us.



So there's a couple of things I wanted to say regarding this book.

-I've decided to split it up into two parts rather than two books, I'm way to lazy to try and make another cover and figure out another book title.

-This part of the book is almost done, there's about 8 chapters left before I start part two.

-Part two won't really be following the plot of season 3, I mean I'll add mentions on G&G and maybe certain scenes but my character won't have a huge roll in it. Other than that I will be making my own plot and scenes.

-Once I'm done part two I will most likely end the book and not bother with season 4 or with continuing with the Sweet pea fanfic because I do have other books that I would like to start.

That's all I wanted to say regarding this book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a great night/day!:)

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