Twenty two

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"'Cause I'm waiting on you to come around"

Riverdale- S2E9

It's Christmas Eve, a day that I normally enjoy

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It's Christmas Eve, a day that I normally enjoy. A day that's suppose to be filled with smiles and laughter. Yet here I am, walking to Sweet peas trailer with a frown on my face because the guy that I sort of have a crush on has been avoiding my calls and making up excuses as to why he can't hangout. Now, I know he may actually be busy and doing all the things he's says he's been doing, which is why I asked Quinn who oh so graciously told me he's been laying around the trailer doing nothing but mope and every time someone asks him a simple question he flips out on them.

Even though he's been acting strange lately, I still decided to stop by and give him his gift. I spent the money so I'm not gonna return it just because he's being Oscar the grouch. Besides, if I show up at his doorstep then maybe I can finally get some answers.


I finally arrive at his trailer and knock on the door. A few seconds later Quinn opens the door and lets me inside.

"Sweet peas in the shower, he should be out in a few minutes." Quinn says

I nod, "Okay, do you want your gift now or later?" I ask her

Her face lights up, "Now please!" She says excitedly

We both go sit on the couch and exchange gifts. I hand her a small slim box and watches as she opens it.

She looks up at me in surprise, "A new pocket knife?"

"I remember you telling me that you lost yours a while back and was looking into getting a new one." I say

She leans over and hugs me, "Thank you, I love it!" She says happily, "Now open your gift."

I do as I'm told and open up the gift bag, "You got me a supernatural shirt!?" I say excitedly, tackling her in a hug.

"Thank you!" I say, pulling away from her

I look up as Sweet peas voice rings through the trailer, "Quinn? Whos here?" he asks, walking into the living room.

"Callie. What're you doing here?" He asks

Quinn gets up off the couch, "I'm gonna head to school now, Later losers." She says awkwardly, and walks out the door.

Sweet pea sits beside me on the couch, "I came to give you and Quinn your gifts, and to get some answers as to why you've been avoiding me these past few days." I say

He takes a deep breath and looks away, "I'm not avoiding you. I've just been busy."

I roll my eyes, "That's not what Quinn says."

He finally looks at me, "You asked Quinn about what I've been doing?"

"Well it's not like you've been answering my calls or texts, unless to tell me you're busy mowing your lawn." I say annoyed

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