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"These rooms got a lot of space, crowded but a lonely place"

It's Monday, the day everybody else seems to hate but I can't help but enjoy

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It's Monday, the day everybody else seems to hate but I can't help but enjoy. Even when my brother wakes me up in some horrendous way, I still have a smile on my face as I get ready to begin a new day. 

"CALLIE! WAKE UP!" I hear my brother yell this morning as he barges in my room. All I can do is smile at the look on his face once he realizes I'm already up and getting ready.

"Good morning Logan." I say light-heartedly

"I seriously don't understand how you can wake up so early." I hear my brother say as I'm brushing my hair.

"I have an internal alarm clock. Now help me decide what to wear please, Should I wear the green shirt and white jeans or the yellow shirt and black jeans today?" I ask him

"Green and white" is all he says before leaving my room. He's such a grouch in the mornings.

After putting on my clothes I went downstairs to grab a banana to eat before school. Looking over, I see a note on the table with some money for school left by my parents.

The only thing I don't enjoy about mornings is that my parents are always gone to work before my brother and I are up. My dad is a teacher at the elementary school and my mom works as a lawyer, so that means early mornings and late nights. It's kind of upsetting that I we don't get to see them often anymore but someone's got to pay the bills I guess.

Looking over at the stove I notice that its 7:40 am. quickly running upstairs I brush my teeth as fast as I can. Running back downstairs and nearly tripping on the last step I grab my bag from off the table and start heading out the door, and then I realize I nearly forgot about my brother. "Logan! it's time to go!" I yell to him from downstairs.

"Coming!" I hear him yell back.

*RIIING!* I hear as my brother and I arrive at school, looking down at my phone I realize its only 7:50 which means that was only the warning bell. The final bell rings at 8:00 so there's still plenty of time to get to class.

"I'll see you after school alright? if anyone bothers you just let me know and I'll deal with it." Logan says sternly.

"Always got to be the over protective brother don't you?" I say with a chuckle

"I'm your older brother, it's my job." he says.

As much as I wanted to argue and disagree, he was right. I don't like confrontation so normally I do my best to avoid it.

"I promise I'll come find you if something happens, but right now I really wanna get to class." I say

"Alright, I have to go find Zoey anyways. See you later." He says while walking away to find his girlfriend, who is also my best friend since freshman year.

As quickly as my little legs will carry me I run to class before the bell can ring. As I arrive, I notice a certain group of four. Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead. I don't associate with them but I do know some things about them, thanks to Kevin Keller. Like how they solved the murder of Jason Blossom. Personally I wouldn't want to get involved with the drama and trouble that follows them around.

A few classes and a lonely lunch later, it was the end of the day, which means it's time for my shift at pops. Although my parents are on the wealthier side, I still prefer to have my own money and to work for the things I want. I've just never enjoyed taking things from other people.

Sending a quick text to my brother to let him know I'll be working until tonight, I make my way out the doors of Riverdale high and make my way to Pops.

Walking through the doors of Pops I bid a quick hello to pop before putting my uniform and apron on. As I hear the bell ring I look over and notice what appeared to be a man and his daughter had walked in, I grabbed my notepad and pen and make my way over to their booth.

"Hello, welcome to Pops. My name is Callie and I'll be your server today. What can I get you?" I Ask politely

"Hi, I would like a hotdog and fries, with a vanilla shake please." the man orders first

"And could I get a Grilled cheese sandwich with fries and a chocolate shake please?" the girl who seems to be around my age asks

"Alright, I'll be right back with your order." I announce back to them

Walking back behind the counter I give the order to the cook in the back. About 10 minutes later I bring the father and daughter their food.

"Here is your hot dog and fries and your vanilla shake." I say to the man as I put the food in front of him

"And your grilled cheese and chocolate shake." I say to the girl as put hers down as well

"thank you" they both say at the same time

"your welcome, just let me know if you need anything else." I say before I walk back to behind the counter.

Not a lot of people come here during the week, so pops was pretty empty for the rest of the night.

The people I had first served stayed for a while before they looked to be about ready to pay. After taking their money and bidding them a goodbye, I notice shortly after that the girl had forgotten her bag.

Picking it up and rushing outside I yell for them wait. As they turn around I notice the serpent Jackets hanging of their bikes.

"You forgot your bag inside" I say to the girl

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without it." She says with a thankful tone.

I kept looking over at the jacket and then back at her, not because I was afraid of them but because I was intrigued and had something I wanted to say.

"You keep eyeing my jacket, you got a problem with us being serpents or something?" she asks with annoyance and intimidation in her voice.

"No, actually I was gonna say It's cool. I'm glad the serpents and people from the southside are coming over to the northside more, maybe the people on this side will finally stop being so hostile towards all of you and realize you guys are people to." I ramble

For a moment she looks surprised and then a small smile appears on her face.

"Gimme your phone" she states

"What?" I ask back

"Gimme your phone. I'm gonna add my number and we're gonna hangout sometime." she says in a tone that suggests for me not to decline.

"Alright" I say as I hand her my phone. I watch her put her number in and then she hands me back my phone. I look down to see she put her contact name as serpent queen.

"See you around Northsider" she says while walking away, getting on her bike and riding away alongside her father.

Watching her ride away I Suddenly realize, I never got her name.


The first chapters up! It's not overly exciting or long but it will pick up as the story continues. I just wanted to let everyone know that her relationship with sweet pea won't be fast but it's not gonna be overly slow either.

Let me know if there are any mistakes please. Also I don't own the gifs above.

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