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"All my friends are locking it up"

Quinn and I decided to hangout all day and then she would sleepover at my place

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Quinn and I decided to hangout all day and then she would sleepover at my place. Which is why we're currently at the store picking up snacks for tonight.

"What flavour do you want?" Quinn asks, looking at the pints of ice cream.

"Mint chocolate please. Just get whatever flavour you want for yourself." I reply

I walk over to her and notice she got cookie dough. "Good choice. What else are we getting?" I ask

She seems to be thinking about it for a moment before she answers, "I'm crazy something sweet."

"Candy isle it is." I turn around and we head towards the candy isle.

We ended up getting skittles, sour patch kids, Reese cups, and Popcorn. Then we went to the cereal isle and got Lucky charms.

We then went back to my place to drop everything off, before heading to Quinn's place so she can pack for tonight.


It didn't take long for her to get packed. We were about to head out the door when it opened and Sweet pea and Fangs walked through it.

"Where are you going?" Fangs asks Quinn

She rolls her eyes, "Sleeping over at Callie's, which I told you yesterday."

"Oh yeah. Are we invited?" Fangs asks

"No." Quinn and I say in unison and walk past them and through the door.

We arrived at my place in about twenty minutes and are now trying to decide what to do for the rest of the day.

"Wanna have a movie marathon?" I ask

"Sure, honestly I've been so tired because of work lately that a day doing nothing is exactly what I need." She responds

"So what do you want to watch? Maze runner? Harry potter?" I ask her

"I've never seen harry potter before, lets try that one." She says

"You've- girl what have you been doing with your life?"


We finished the third movie and decided we needed a break. We are now taking all of Logans stuff, except for the bed and dresser, and putting it in the back yard.

"He's gonna kill you." Quinn says

"I know, but it'll be worth it." I say back.

"Lets go make some waffles." I say

She nods and we go inside to eat, before diving back in to the marathon.


Logan was giving us the silent treatment. When he had gotten home and went to his room, the first thing he did was scream, the second thing was come in to my room to tell us to put it all back.

We declined and continued our movie.

It was dark now and our marathon was almost over, we were on the last movie. Quinn was completely in to it. We ordered pizza for dinner and She would grab a slice without looking away from the tv.

"I can't believe he died. Why'd the stupid Malfoy kid live but sweet little Fred die? It makes no sense." She was having a bit of a meltdown after Freds death.

I look over to her in pity, "Because Authors like to make you fall in love with someone only to rip out your heart and eat it for lunch."

"Well it's stupid and I think the author and I need to have a little chat."

"Why don't I put something on that'll take your mind off of it? How about, Now you see me one and two? you love those movies." I ask her

"Fine, but it's not like it'll make me feel any better." She mumbles


We finished Now you see me two and decided to just sit and talk for a bit before going to bed.

"So, how're you and Sweet pea? Has he asked you out yet?" Quinn asks me

"Oh, you wanna talk about boys? Okay. What's going on between you and my brother?" I Quickly try and divert the question.

"Me and your brother? what? Nooo, there's nothing going on there." She says, looking away awkwardly as she answers.

"Yeah cause that was convincing." I say

She takes a deep breath, "I mean he's great and everything but he just got out of a relationship with a shitty person and I'm not really into the whole dating thing. I like to keep it casual, so that's what we're doing."

"Now stop trying to avoid the question, has he asked you out yet?" She repeats her question from before.

"No, he hasn't. We're kind of just going day by day, I mean neither one of us has admitted our feelings towards each other yet. So it'll happen when the times right." I answer reluctantly.

She yawns, which makes me yawn. Which then makes us both laugh.

"I guess we should go to bed now, it's almost Twelve in the morning." Quinn says

"Yeah, good idea." I say as we both climb in my bed.

"Night." She says

"Night." I say back.


So this was just a filler chapter, which is why it's so boring. I promise the next chapter will be a bit more exciting cause it's Fps "Retirement" party.

Hope you liked this chapter!

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Have a nice day/night!:)

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