“Yup! That’s the one!” both girls scream so loud!

“How!? Oh em gee! You are so lucky! So have you met One Direction?” Samantha asked

“Yes I have!” I smiled. They screamed again.

“I hate you! Oh my god! What are they like!?” Brittany asked

“They are amazing! They are so sweet.” I explained thinking about Harry

“Oh my god! You have a crush on one of them don’t you! Spill!” Brittany demanded again.

“Well there is this one guy…” I paused

“WHO? Is it Zayn?” Brittany guessed

“Niall?” Samantha guessed.

“Harry?” Brittany guessed again.

“Louis? Liam?” Samatha guess

“Harry!” the girls screamed again. Tyler walked in.

“What is with all the screaming?” Tyler asked concerned.

“Hi Tyler!” The girls said simultaneously through the computer

“Oh. Hi girls!” Tyler said with a wave. They blushed. Everyone was attracted to Tyler.

“Well I’ll leave you girls alone.” Tyler walked out and shut the door.

“Oh my god! Tyler is there too!” Samantha said

“Yes, so is Ashley. But anyways I made out with Harry Styles!” I screamed with excitement. The girls screamed also.

“WHAT!? HOW!?” Brittany exclaimed.

“Well Harry took me to a bakery to make cupcakes because he knew I liked to bake. Then we were eating them and he had frosting on his lips so I kissed him because it seemed like the right moment you know? Then he told me he wasn’t expecting it and that we should just be friends. I was heartbroken. So I came back to Liam’s apartment where I am staying and then I talked to Tyler about it.” I started to explain.

“WHAT? You’re staying in Liam Payne’s apartment?!” Brittany

“Who cares about that. Go on” Samantha said eagerly.

“So then I was talking to Maddie on the phone and Harry came over to explain himself. He started talking and singing to Maddie and it was really sweet. Then we sat on the couch and talked it over that we should just be friends. But my neck was still sore from dance so he offered to give me a massage and it felt amazing. Then he started kissing my neck and I loved every second of it. Finally I grabbed him and pulled him on top of me and we started making out on the couch! And then….” I paused for dramatic effect.

“What?! What happened next!” Brittany said.

“Then… Tyler walked in and killed the mood.” I said and their faces dropped.

“Aw man! Way to go Tyler!” Brittany joked.

“That’s amazing! So are you guys going to…yanno?” Samantha asked making a gesture with her hands. I laughed

“NO! We are not even a couple. I don’t even know what we are at this point.” I said honestly.

“You will get there soon. But hey I have to go to work so chat me later!” Samantha said

“I have to go too.” Brittany said

“Okay. Bye girls! Nice talking to you!” I said and I hung up. I closed my laptop and I just continued to smile like an idiot.

*Harry’s pov*

I snogged Cammie. I can’t even believe it. That was the most amazing and magical snog I have had in my life. It was perfect. And she was such a great kisser. I walked into my flat and Louis was sitting on the couch.

“Where you been mate?” he asked suspiciously.

“I was at Cammie’s.” I couldn’t stop smiling.

“You were? Well what did you do at Cammie’s? Your smile is cheekier than usual” He said pinching my cheeks.

“We snogged!” I blurted out and Louis’ eyes grew wide.

“You guys snogged!? What how!?” he asked in shock.

“Well long story short. I took her to the bakery to make cupcakes and after we finished she kissed me. Then I blurted out how it was unexpected and that we should just be friends. She ran off. I later went back to Liam’s flat to talk to her and we talked. But then she said her neck was hurting her and so I started to massage it for her. Then I couldn’t help myself and I started to kiss her neck up and down. She then pulled me on top of her and we started to snogg. It was amazing until Tyler walked in and then we had to stop.” I took a deep breath. That was the fastest I have ever talked. Louis was speechless. He was probably more amazed at how fast I explained that story.

“Wow. Well how did you feel during all this?” Louis said

“I don’t know. You know how many girls I have been with. They have all been the same. But this time it actually was special to me. It meant more than just snogging a girl you know? It was magical.” I sounded like an idiot but I have never felt this way before.

“Ahh young grasshopper, those are feelings you are experiencing.” Louis said. I haven’t had feelings for someone since the x-factor. I kind of liked this feeling. 

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