Children are gross

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....I want a kid, but every time I see someone with a kid I think less of them (family members, people from highschool) I feel as if their lives are over and they are trapped in cartoons and diapers while I'm free to do whatever I want. At what age is it appropriate to have a little one or will I always think of parenting as mom hair, diaper bags and embarrassing crying in public?

Dear scared of the little ones,

I agree!

Kids are scary. And parents are worse!

I'm not ready myself. But one day it will come.

So like in my last post about time for marriage. Again you make the rules!

However there are little things to consider, such as health. You don't want to be 40 and trying to have your first child because you might have difficult times carrying the child.

But Keith and I have been thinking about a baby. I think they are gross. I would rather have a toddler. Or older.

But we went to the movies the other night to see Annabelle. Scary! It was spur of the moment. On the way home we were thinking, if we had a child we wouldn't have been able to go. We would have had to find a different movie or a sitter and spend twice as much for just a couple hours out.

So we decided. We like to do whatever we please, whenever we please, and with whoever we please.

Until the day comes where we feel as if our life is incomplete and we are missing something, then we will be kid free. Plus we would never want to rush and then resent the mistake of going too quick or even resenting the child. What type of life would that be?

So take your time. Think about the pros and cons then decide.

Hope this helps,

Tyler and Keith 👪

Just a guy with gay advice!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن