How to tell my mom

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Um I'm kinda shy, my question is it took me about a year or two to finally accept that I was gay and ..... Well I want to tell my mom but I'm scared she'll be mad at me..... Because she's not very likable with gay people and um.... She says its wrong.... To like the same gender which I know isn't true and um,... How do I show/tell my mom I'm gay without her getting mad at me?

Hello, thank you for the question.
So this is a tough one.
First and foremost make sure you are comfortable enough with yourself and love yourself first!

It took a while for me to do that. And when I did that is when I knew it was time to tell my family.
I knew it was going to be bad, and like my initial thought, it was.
However I had my support system and love for myself. I had to love myself first. You hear so much about people committing suicide due to the lack of support from family after they come out and I hope this would never happen to you.
Just know you will always have support from me.

But my opinion is just to sit down with her and let her know how you feel and who you are. It might go bad at first. But she is your mother. And a mother finding out their child is gay must go through a grieve process. First they don't want to believe it, then they feel as if it is their fault. Eventually most come around and learn more about you and become accepting.
My situation was hard at first. With bible verses, and crying. And arguing.
Then it happened less and less. Then over time it got better and I met someone who my family considers part of our family and we are getting married in October. And with the full support of my family.
My mother went from believing it was a sin. To crying over marriage inequality in my home state, thinking I will have to go get married somewhere else and she wouldn't be able to be there. And now happy that marriage is legal for all.
So tell her.
It will get better.
Love wins after all things

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