Dont give a s***

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What if I get made fun of for being gay?

Just like my title, tell them you don't give a shit!
No in all honesty, be yourself. Be true to yourself. One day these people who bully with hopefully learn what they have done wrong.
I'm not a very religious person at all, however I believe in values such as treat others with respect and don't judge someone just because you are confused by how they live.
If you are younger then please no this is just a phase every one will go through.
One day things will change. You will be able to surround yourself with people you want to surround yourself with.
In high school you are forced, but one day you can choose to be with everyone who supports you and loves you exactly for who you are.
Never change who you are for anyone. Never let them see you down otherwise they will just tear you down more.
Be happy, take the words in stride. Make those words strengthen you every day.
In the end, the bullies will be the ones who will be fat, bald, and working in a job they hate because they didn't turn their live into anything but crap.
And you, you will be the strong person who was empowered to be better than people you were forced to be around.
Love wins.

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