Voldemort's eyes trained on Peter, then. "But there's still something else you can give to me, Wormtail," he said. "Isn't there?"

He was directly to the left of Peter Pettigrew now. Regulus stared up at the Dark Lord, his chin straight and determined...

Peter hesitated. "I - I - I do, my Lord?"

"Yes, Peter... You do. You have something of mine... and I wish to have it back." Voldemort turned to address his Death Eaters... and when he did, Regulus saw his opportunity.

His eyes did a quick sweep of the crowd of Death Eaters, being sure their focus was on the Dark Lord as he expounded the treacheries of what happens to those who steal his belongings from him. "Accio locket," Regulus hissed softly under his breath. The locket struggled to free itself from Peter's pocket, and Peter looked up from where he lay. He grabbed for the locket, keeping it in place, as Regulus held up one finger over his mouth in a hushing gesture... then beckoned for Peter to release the locket. He wondered why Regulus was messing up the plan, why he was trying to take away the locket... and a sick feeling went through Peter, and he remembered Sirius's words in the Order meeting - about Regulus being a traitor, and how Regulus would ruin the plan... how they'd all wind up dead if they trusted Regulus Black...

Had Sirius's prediction come to pass?

Unsure, Peter clutched the pocket, keeping the locket firmly in place, despite Regulus's summoning charm. Regulus looked frustrated...

"Peter Pettigrew," Voldemort said, suddenly turning back to Peter, his eyes dark and venomous. "I command you to give me my locket."

The silver-pink marks on Peter's wrist blazoned bright red and he cried out in painful surprise, "I -- I --"

But before Peter could stammer out whatever he'd been about to say, he was interrupted as the fireplace lit - bright green flames - and Peter sat up, his eyes wide... and Lily Evans came through the Floo, gracefully landing on her feet.

Regulus cursed in an exhale of breath.

The locket momentarily forgotten by the new arrival, Voldemort's eyes flashed as he turned toward her. "LILY GET DOWN!" Peter screamed.

The jet of green light blasted the fire place floo as Lily dove to the ground behind the rows of Death Eaters, a shriek of surprise escaping her. Regulus leaped as though to get out of her way, his robes flurrying about him, covering her as best he could...

"Claustra," Lily whispered, and she flickered out of sight.

Voldemort shoved around Peter Pettigrew, who fell to his bottom muttering with worry. Death Eaters split apart to allow Voldemort a clear pathway, and Regulus stepped away from where he'd been standing... only just nanoseconds after the cloistering spell had vanished Lily from sight. "WHERE DID SHE GO?" Voldemort demanded. The Death Eaters were looking around them in confusion, and Regulus did the same, though he could feel Lily behind him... staying close to him... She had scrambled up to her feet and she hovered directly behind Regulus's lanky form. "FIND HER!" Voldemort bellowed.

The Death Eaters scrambled, looking around the library, and Regulus joined in, carefully avoiding getting too close to any others, less they find Lily Evans by touch alone. He weaved through the crowd of them, Lily staying behind him every step, until he'd managed to get to the doorway and in all the noise and confusion, he slipped out of the library and into the corridor. He could hear Lily's footfall now as she followed him across the hall and into the kitchens and he turned, slamming shut the door with a wave of his wand and the lock clicked. They were alone, now and when he turned back from the door, he found Lily Evans, visible once more, standing before him.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now