Chapter Eighteen: The Ache

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Mai had woken up with a headache that made even the thought of putting her feet on the ground unbearable. But she was forced up, yanked out of bed by Shigaraki's annoying voice.

She wasn't sure when she'd fallen back asleep. If he'd even left her room- but she let out a groan, "Stop."

Even talking.
She felt like she was going to vomit.

"You can't just say things like that last night and then not get out of bed. I'm— excited." Shigaraki urged his voice holding a strange, wrapping a hand around her forearm.

One lull, peak of that gold and she was dry heaving- pulling her arm away with a hiss. Mai finally moved her head from its place buried in her pillow. She opened one eye, peaked out at Shigaraki.

"I—" she closed her eye again.

It pounded down her temples. Her neck.

"I have a headache." She mumbled.

"You have a headache because you didn't eat at all yesterday." He stopped for a moment, and as if he was amused with himself added "and it is not as if you spent the day participating in less-exhausting activities."

Mai frowned with disdain, bringing a hand over her eyes. "Shut up, crusty bastard."

She didn't need to be looking at him to know his eyes widened as he hissed, "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

Mai flopped over, turning from his glare with a groan. She drew her legs close to her chest- trying to take in slow steady breaths

"You need food. And water." He was irritated. She felt his eyes burning into her. At least their feelings were mutual.

But another wave of pain wracked over her. She whimpered.

"And probably a shower." His voice had softened.

Mai felt a small poke on her back, right above her neck. "Kurogiri will make you scrambled eggs."

Just at the sound of food, another gag fell from her throat.

"Let's start with water."

And she heard him leave, the click of the door closing sending a chill down her.

Mai wondered the fuck did he care? If he wanted her up so badly why didn't he just yank her out of bed?

He'd killed people.
And as far as she knew, with little remorse.

So why was he being caring when she had a headache?

And then she remembered, things he had said when they-
I'd give you anything you want.

Before another thought could hit Mai the door opened.

"Alright. You're going to sit up. You're going to drink this water. And then you're going to eat."

Mai slowly turned over. And even though water sounded like a fucking dream and even though talking felt like her brain was being ripped apart she still said, "You don't tell me what to do."

He was quiet for a moment.

"You didn't wake up screaming."

Her eyes flashed open.

"It's the second time you haven't had a nightmare in this room."

And then he squat down, his eyes leveling to her. There was madness in them. But something else that made her chest burn.

"So tell me, how many nights in twelve years have you not woken up in terror?" He was smug.


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