Chapter Twelve: The Deal

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Mai was sure she was going to die. Absolutely sure.

But after seeing Shigaraki doubled over like that, she knew it was worth it.

He stood coughing, his hands wrapped around his abdomen. "Cheap shot." He spat.

Mai laughed nervously, not realizing she had taken a short step back. She was still fuming, brimming with anger but there was significant relief after slamming her solid gold fist into his stomach.

She regretted not punching him in the face, if only to see the stupid look on his face right before she died.

Shigaraki straightened himself, flexed his back and turned back to her. "I'll let that slide for now."

Mai felt a breath loose it's way out of her.

Dabi laughed dryly from behind her, "You may be the least irritating person I have met through this League of Villians."

Mai turned to face him, his scared lips drawn into a satisfied smirk.

"Do not associate me with this league. I'm not a part of it."

Dabi brought his hands up and shrugged "And yet here you are."

Mai dead panned.

And yet, here she was.

"Are you all done?" Kurogiri asked, letting irritation slide through his normally calm voice.

Shigaraki slid into a stool. "You two can leave. This doesn't involve you."

Toga began protesting immediately "But I want to stay! I want to know what happens!!"

"You don't tell me what to do." Spat Dabi.

"Both of you, please, for Miss Saito's sake. She very much values her privacy." Kurogiri interjected.

The two looked at each other, and then to Mai who still stood in the middle of the room with her hands in tight fists. And then immediately left.

Mai couldn't help but wonder- were they scared of her.

After the two left the bar Kurogiri turned to Mai. "Please Miss Saito, have a seat."

Mai reluctantly did as she was told.

"We'd like you train."

Mai blinked.

"Your quirk. You have absolutely no grasp on it. And it is imperative that you do, if only because it is a part of you."

"I don't want to." Mai said simply, crossing her legs.

Kurogiri nodded. "I figured as much. But Miss Saito, not using your quirk is practically like not using your legs- ever. It is comparable to atrophy."

Mai inclined her head and frowned. Her fingers twitched in her lap as she sighed. "I don't care. Let it atrophy. Let it fade away. Let it die."

"Do you really feel that way Miss Saito?" Kurogiri's voice held a tone of pity that sent needles into her chest.

Her leg was bouncing now.


Shigaraki finally spoke, bringing a hand through his pale blue hair. "Your quirk is not something to be ashamed of. There is no point to it. It is like being ashamed of your eye color or skin. It's the way you were born- meant to be."

Mai sucked in a breath, watching him from the corner of her eyes. "That might be easy for you, considering you enjoy the destruction your quirk brings."

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