Chapter Three: The Result

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When Mai shot up her neck ached. She was in a room of some sorts, the only furniture a small bed and a dresser. It look old and warn, dust spotting the lengths of the walls.

She was in the bed, and when she moved to jerk forward and up-she realized her right arm had been handcuffed to the bed post.

She cursed under her breath, loosely and vulgarly.

God, what was she thinking?

Mai pulled against the restraint once more. It didn't even bulge. She sighed and wrapped into herself- brining her knees close into her chest.

What did they do to her?
What were they planning on doing?

Her whole body seemed to ache, as if she had been tossed around. Mai rung her hands and neck, letting out loose breaths when she heard muffled voices.

"You should not have done that, Shigaraki. Now she will never trust us."

"Like she ever would have..."

"Let's not forget, you, were the one who insisted she would be of service. And if I particularly remember- the words were 'We need her'"

She heard a slam of some sorts, and flinched in the dark stuffy room.

"Did you see when I touched her- it did not even leave a mark, Kurogiri. Even a touch for that long should have left some sort of damage." There was a suck of breath "But there was none."

"Yes, That is very interesting. And perhaps that very reason we would benefit having her on our side. And not the others."

Suddenly, the door burst open- nearly flying off its hinges as Shigaraki entered, followed by Kurogiri.

Mai wasn't sure what to speak or how to speak as she lurched forward, only to be snagged yet again against the restraint.

"So, What was all of that? The illusion of freedom?" Mai spat.

"No." Shigiraki mumbled unitrested, as he moved to the chair across the room. He crossed his legs as he sat-bringing a hand to his sharp chin.

"After all, you did say yes." He seemed to smirk beneath the hand on his face, and Mai could not help but wonder why exactly he wore the thing.

"I did not say yes to being tied up."

Shigiraki smiled even more, looking nearly mad. "In fact, you did. You said yes without asking any questions at all about what we needed you for, about what your link to us may entail. You foolishly jumped into an agreement without thinking any further than your emotions."

Mai, flinched, taken aback.

"Maybe, we wanted you cooperation just because I wanted to torture you. Maybe I wanted to pluck each and every one of those beautiful feathers until you—"

"Stop it!" Mai cried out.

"You should think more. We could ask whatever we want of you. You agreed without asking a single question."

"W-what do you want from me?"

Shigiraki shrugged, looking suddenly uninterested. "For now, we will train you to think more- to protect yourself both physically and mentally. That was incredibly stupid of you. A simple picture and we had you agreeing to whatever we could have possibly wanted."

Shigiraki absently tapped his fingers against his chin, awaiting Mai's response.

"I know how to fight, everyone is taught basic combat at UA. Even those not in Hero course."

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