Chapter Eleven: The Meeting

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Authors Note:

I'm altering the timeline of the show slightly so if days and time are off I'm sorry, I'm just doing so to fit the fanfic!

Hope you guys enjoy the story!

"Mom?" Mai called into the dark apartment, locking the door behind her.

She had nearly ran home from where Kurogiri had warped her and as a result her breathing was ragged and rushed. "I'm home!"

"I knew you'd be home within the hour." She heard a soft voice from the plush grey couch. Mai's eyes roamed to the hoard of blankets and pillows she assumed was her mother. She landed over, feeling sick and disgusting. She sat on the arm of the couch.

"You always know, Mom." Mai mused, brushing a strand of damp midnight hair from her flushed face. She smiled, "most of the time."

Her mom didn't respond, only turned over. Mai pulled the blanket over her shoulder.

"Your father left for a business trip. Something about Hiso and other things I didn't hear." her mothers voice was a mumble as she buried her sleep head into a pillow.

Mai stilled her hand, dropping the blanket. "His flight will be delayed." Her mother mumbled, falling back asleep.

Her father was going to Hiso for business?

Mai frowned as she bent over to pick up the trail of tissues and mugs dotting the floor near the couch.

What if her father's trip was only a day earlier? What would have happened then?

Mai flinched as she came into the kitchen, dropping the mugs carefully into the sink.

The rest of her movements were void of thought, moving without meaning-her wings dragging up the stairs. The turn of the hot water of the shower. She peeled off her clothes and stepped under the stream of steaming water. Her wings flared but she didn't hiss underneath the water that turned her skin red. She didn't even blink.

And then she scrubbed. She scrubbed until her skin was screaming and raw, and then scrubbed some more. She scrubbed until the water was cold.

And only then did she stumble out, wrapping her robe around her body tight and padded into her room, flopping into the bed.

Hours passed and she didn't sleep, no matter how tired she was.

Thoughts began to flood her. Thoughts of disgust and confusion.

Was this who she was meant to be?

Had she always been this person, and just waited for an excuse to act on it.

She curled into herself.

Did it matter?


Mai moved through the busy city streets, her bag tucked tightly under her arm and face set. It had been three days since the League of Villains tried to make any contact with her.

Three days since...

Mai flushed, then cursed herself and kept moving.

The afternoon sun beat heavily on her neck, her long silver hair pulled high and loosely atop her head. Her sister would be home from her internship by the evening, and she had a lot to do.

Her mother insisted on throwing a sort of dinner party, cooking Kiho's favorite meal and watching her favorite movie.

Spaghetti and as typical as it was, but cute, Kiho's favorite movie was Howl's Moving Castle.

The Fallen and The Deranged [BNHA]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora