Chapter Six: The Edge

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Authors note:
This chapter will have nsfw content, as will chapters that follow.
This will be the only warning, after this it'll just be.

Kiho left for internship that morning, and Mai couldn't stop herself from crying.

She didn't cry because she'd miss her sister.

No, Saito Mai cried because she was scared for her sister.

The school assured the family of the first years that the students internship at hero agencies across the country would be a soft shadowing.

No fighting.
No quirk use.
No death.

But UA has promised her sister's safety before.

And now, standing in that dingy bar, she was staring the cause of her fear with burning eyes.

Mai had been running errands for her mother, who had caught a cold and been out of work for two days, when she felt the tap on her shoulder.

She had been in a restroom, for god sake.

She barely had time to pull up her skirt before the warp swallowed her into it.

"I am so very sorry, Miss Saito. Shigaraki assured me that you would be washing your hands when I—"

"I don't care." Mai hissed, her voice shaking.

She was in the damned restroom. What a breach of privacy.

There was no privacy while dealing with villains she supposed.

Dealing with villains.

Mai hated herself.

"Maybe I calculated wrong." Shigaraki smiled, that hand plastered on his face concealing all but the corners of it. But what really gave it away were the eyes. Those red eyes seemed to curl for his covered mouth. She wanted to tear them out.

"You tapped my shoulder, I nearly p—" she stopped herself as a crimson blush settled on her sharp cheeks.

Shigaraki seemed pleased with himself as he purred, "Good thing you were on the toilet."

She thought of the incident four days ago. He had showed up in her room.

His lips were warm on her ear.

She shook her head with frustration "You are insufferable."

Shigaraki shrugged, trying to look bored.

"Is there something you wanted?" She barked.

Shigaraki eyes narrowed on her.

"I'd much rather you take it off."

"Maybe." his attention moved to Kurogiri.

"I have things to do." Mai mumbled, her arms heavy at her side. She kept her wings tightly tucked behind her, forced the large span of them to remain closed.

Around him, Mai had a hard time suppressing the urge to fling them open.

High amounts of energy or feeling seemed to do that to her.

"Things may change a bit around here, Saito Maiya. We'd like to prepare you for the change."

"I don't care. I don't want to see all of you. I don't want to do this anymore." She nearly cried out, her voice strained.

"But you do, Mai. Why must you lie to yourself?"

"Do not call me Mai."

"And why not? We are familiar enough by now aren't we?"

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