16. Michael's Other Lover

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She was one of those hidden gems types of beauties.

One you don't see quite too often, but when you did, you're enamored immediately. The rare ones, but once you see it, you wonder where it's been your entire life.

I smiled to myself as I thought about the night we shared. I didn't want moments like that—or like these ever to end. I wanted us to continue doing whatever it was that we were doing. It felt like the right thing to do, and that was a new feeling for me. I usually didn't make the right decisions when it came to my heart.

But, being with Abhaya felt right, and now that I was feeling it, it almost felt wrong for not realizing this particular feeling quickly enough.

My eyes shifted to the palm of her right hand
that rested in between us. I placed my hand over
hers, gently caressing it with the pad of my thumb.

Abhaya removed her head from her hand as she looked down towards our hands.

Her eyes shifted towards me with a gleam
that expressed a sense of happiness. She hurried away from the left side as she came in contact with my right.

"Michael..." She spoke so softly that I almost didn't hear it. I lowered my head towards her lips so she could whisper whatever she had to say into my ear.

"What are you thinking about right now?" She asked.

I lifted my head back up before leaning over to
whisper into her ear. This was quite elementary
of us, but the childishness of it all made it sweet.

It reminded me of our younger days when we whispered secrets about the most random of things.

"I'm thinking about you," I spoke truthfully.

Abhaya smiled, "What do you think about me?"

A curious look was within her eyes as she asked.

I decided to tease her with a vague answer.

"As I said before, you" She rolled her brown eyes
but continued to show off her growing smile.

She was amused."Can you be more specific, Michael.?"

"Why do you want to know so bad?" I asked. She kissed her teeth in response before shifting her body towards the right. She rested her head against my lap with her face forward, looking up to me. Her legs were propped into the yellow seats of the van as the tip of her feet were practically dangling out the window.

"Becauseeeeee," She dragged, "I just want to know what you're thinking about me. Now tell."

"Tell me what you're thinking, and then I'll tell you what I'm thinking."

Abhaya rolled her eyes. "Why do you have to be so difficult, Michael." I stared down at her with admiring eyes. Her lips were a faded red from the lipstick she wore earlier. We had been kissing all day, so I guess
I can partially blame why her lipstick was practically gone now."I was thinking about all the sex we're going to have when we get back to the hotel. Now you know my perverted thoughts. Happy now?"

She giggled. "Why do I feel like you're lying? Tell
me the truth or else." I raised an eyebrow at her or else, feeling curious to know. "Or else what?"

Summer 79' | MJ FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin