Chapter 26: Rescue

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Erika woke up to her house being wrecked. "Wh-what? Walker? Dotachin? Yuu?! Anyone!?" She slowly got up and held her head. A throbbing pain in her head kept her vision blurry as she looked around the room.

"Erika? Where are you?!" Walker's voice came from the bedroom.

"Walker I'm out here! Where did everyone go?" She was frantic. she promised she wouldn't let anything happen to Yuu and look what happened. He was nowhere to be found. She sighed in relief when she saw her friend, she ran up and hugged him despite the pain.

"Woah Erika! Calm down. Wait what happened to your head? You're bleeding!" Walker touched her head and showed her the blood. "Where is everyone else?"

Erika sighed. "I don't know...I just remember the door banging and then Dotachin answered it. Next thing I knew everything was black."

"That's all I remember too. We have to patch you up then go find them!" Walker ran around the house looking for any type of first aid supplies. He bandaged Erika's head and got her a glass of water. Within minutes she was feeling better.

"We need to act quickly if we wanna find them. I'll call Sakura and tell her what happened." Erika clicked a few buttons and called her friend.

"Erika? What's up?"

"Yuu is in trouble! I only found Walker. Everyone else is gone. I'm so sorry!"

"Calm down Erika. Are you okay?"

"Umm yeah I guess. Walker patched me up."

"That's a relief. You stay there. We'll find them all. Tell Walker I said to take care of you, I don't want you to overexert yourself."

"Okay...I'm really sorry." Erika hiccuped and sniffled.

She could hear Sakura sigh. "It's gonna be okay. Shinra and I will find them. You can trust us."

"Y-yeah. Thanks. Bye."

"Bye. Take care of yourself."

Erika hung up and put her phone in her pocket. "We have to go find them. I don't care what Sakura said, I need to fix this."

"Erika you can't! You're hurt! What if you get attacked again? What if you faint? You're in no shape to go anywhere."

Erika huffed. She knew she was hurt and she knew the risks, that didn't stop her feelings of guilt. She had to make things right, she promised that she'd take care of Yuu and now Kadota and Saburo were missing too! "But-"

"No buts! You'd only get yourself hurt, then they'd have to go save you too, or they'd do something worse...I won't let that happen." Walker was never so serious before but now Erika couldn't even look him in the eye. She knew he was right.

"I just...I just want to make things right. I feel like this is all my fault!" Tears formed in her eyes. It was all her fault. If she had done a better job protecting her friends then maybe they wouldn't be missing now.

Walker hugged his friend. "I can go out and look for them. You need to stay here and keep the doors and windows locked."

Erika hugged back. "Okay. Please don't get hurt."

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