Chapter 1: "Healing"

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Izaya sighed when he was told they were almost at the underground doctor's place. He was bleeding, tired, and emotionally unwell. Manami snickered as Izaya winced in pain, 'serves him right.' she thought.

Kine rolled his eyes as he parked."Well you're still awake, that's a good sign." He said in a bland tone. Izaya rolled his eyes as Kine helped him out of the car and into a shady looking building.

When they walked in they were greeted by a smiling woman in a doctors coat. "You must be Orihara-kun! Kine-san informed me about the situation!" She helped Izaya walk to a small room with a hospital bed in it, leaving Kine and Manami alone.

Once Izaya was sure Manami and Kine couldn't hear him he turned to the doctor with an empty look in his eyes, "Look, thanks for letting me in and stuff but you don't have to help me, just let me die and act like you couldn't save me."

The woman groaned, "Do you know how much I hear that? Almost every patient I get is all 'I deserve to die for what I have done!' and it makes me sick!" She started to pace around the room.

"Does dying automatically make you some sort of hero?! Do you think it's the only way to pay for what you did?! Or do you think that nobody would miss you if you were gone?!" She asked angrily, fuming over the fact that even a 'god' was dumb enough to think death was the best option.

Izaya stared at the ground, "I really doubt anyone would miss me, but that's not why. I just don't want to live since nothing is entertaining anymore, I can't feel any emotions so what's the point?"

The doctor looked at him as if she knew what he felt, "I used to not feel emotions, but that was because I only knew about the bad ones. One day I helped a kid find his mom and I felt so warm inside when she thanked me and smothered him in hugs."

Izaya rolled his eyes, "That's typical and cliche."

"It's cliche because it happens. Try thinking of positive things, try helping people, try things that didn't used to make you happy, get a new job, meet a nice woman-" She coughed "o-or man, I don't assume sexualities." She chuckled.

Izaya thought it over. "Let's make a deal, I'll try to be helpful and positive but if it doesn't work, you let me die." He offered.

The woman crossed her arms, "Fine. I heal you, you try to feel emotions again. If I lose I'll let you do what you want, but if I win you have to promise to be a good person. You can't go back to being who you used to be, change your identity if you have to."

Izaya nodded and they shook hands, sealing the pact. "Oh, also my name is Sakura." When she said her name she got a sad look in her eyes but she kept her smile.

"Okay Sakura, you should probably patch me up before I die." After he said that Sakura went to work cleaning and stitching his wounds.


Manami paced around what she assumed was the waiting room while Kine watched. "They've been in there for too long, if he died then the doctor would have come back by now!" She exclaimed.

Kine sighed, "What did he do to you? I know he's a terrible person but why do you want him dead so badly?" He asked, not able to hold in his curiosity.

She clenched her fists as she remembered, "That piece of garbage tricked me and my friend. We had a plan to kill ourselves together and when we met up he put something in our drinks, he laughed at us and left as we passed out."

Kine stared, waiting for something else to come. "That's it? I mean he's done worse." Manami glared at him.

"That satan spawn did it to so many girls that he didn't even remember me! I got out lucky! Other girls actually did kill themselves or attempted to! And he laughed!" Manami was mad, Izaya was a monster who didn't deserve to live.

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