Chapter 25: (Kid)napped

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Namie woke up to a bright light obscuring her vision. She quickly closed her eyes as the light was blinding. "Where am I?!" She tried to fight against whatever was holding her down. Turned out her hands and legs were tied together and her hands were tied to some sort of pole or fence.

"Quiet you!"

The assistant chuckled and let out her loudest scream, just to annoy whoever it was that had taken her hostage.

"Pipe down before I tape your mouth shut!"

Namie decided not to annoy her captor too much as she very much wanted to stay alive. "Fine, but why are you on babysitting duty? Surely you have more to contribute than just watching over someone who is tied up."

"Because someone needs to make sure you don't try anything. Your mind tricks won't work on me. Now shut up before I make you." Namie wished he would turn around so that she could see his face, she looked around the room to see if there was anything for her to escape with.

The room was empty except for her, one of her kidnappers, and the chair he was sitting on. "Aw, that's not fun. Are you part of the group that's trying to overthrow me?"

"How do you know about that?! I mean-" He coughed and put on a mask before turning around. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about someone wanting Seiji to be taken away from me so that I could be blackmailed or something similar. The end product being either me and Seiji dying or me giving up my place." She raised an eyebrow. "Did I get it about right?"

The man glared at her. "How the hell do you know all that?" He growled, his voice sent chills down her spine.

She hid her fear and grinned. "I may or may not have connections in higher places. I have my ways."

"What does that mean!?" He seemed to be getting more and more annoyed with her by the second.

"As they say, magicians never reveal their secrets."

The man huffed and turned back around, looking at whatever was on his phone. Namie rubbed the rope that was binding her hands together against the pole that she was tied to, hopefully she was quiet enough so that the man wouldn't become suspicious.

"Shut up now before I stitch your mouth shut."

She giggled. "Wow, we went from tape to stitches. What have I ever done to deserve this?" She was acting a bit like Izaya did when he was trapped in corner. She supposed he did it because if he showed weakness then the kidnapper or attacker would know they had the upper hand. If she acted casual and more like her boss then maybe her captors would doubt themselves.

At least she'd be able to make them squirm if they thought that she had some sort of genius master plan to get her out of the situation.

She hoped her call to Izaya worked, Sakura would make him help her if he didn't want to...maybe.

She prayed that someone would come to her rescue.


Izaya frantically ran around her apartment as he thought of a plan to help Namie. "Sakura! Trace the call!" He threw his cell phone at his friend.

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