Chapter 10: Confusion

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Mikado couldn't believe what he was seeing. Kanra typed something in the chat, but that couldn't be possible! Izaya died, he couldn't be alive. There was no way he could have survived!

Mikado turned off his computer and ran out of his house. He immediately went to Anri's place, he knew she was Saika and he told her about how Izaya was Kanra, she of all people would understand.

He frantically knocked on her door. Anri opened the door in her pajamas, she was either about to sleep or was woken by the loud knocking on her door. She saw that it was Mikado and let him in, her eyes were red.

The pair sat on the floor of Anri's apartment. "He can't be alive...if he did survive then he wouldn't come back after a year. He would have done something before now." Anri said, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Do you think the account was hacked...? Who else knows Kanra's identity?" Mikado asked, mind racing to find a logical explanation.

"He could be hacked but the message seems a lot like how he acted as Kanra... with the emoticon and stuff..." Anri said while looking at her phone and what was happening in the chat.

"Do you think Masaomi knows...? He was always rude to Kanra so maybe he knew Izaya was Kanra?" Mikado thought out loud. He started mumbling about different possibilities until his phone started ringing.

He didn't check the caller ID before answering. "Hello?"

"Mikado you saw the chat right!? Kanra is back!" Masaomi said, sounding angry.

"Yes I noticed... um do you know something...?" Mikado asked, wanting to see if Masaomi would tell him if he knew who Kanra really was or not.

"Kanra is that stupid jerk. Izaya. But he can't be alive!" Masaomi replied. "You knew who that he was Kanra right?" He asked.

"Yea, I knew. I told Anri too. What do you think this could mean? Is Izaya alive?" Mikado asked, wanting to know if his best friend had any ideas.

"He had to have been hacked. Someone is messing with us." Masaomi said, not wanting to believe that Izaya could have survived.

Mikado thought it over. "That's what I thought too. But who would hack his account? Who else knew his identity?" He questioned.

"I don't know! He had so many enemies, any number of them would have some sort of reason to do it." Was the reply the other male gave.

Anri just listened to what Mikado was saying while trying to piece together what the two were talking about, unable to hear Masaomi since he was on the phone and it wasn't on speaker.

Mikado sighed. "You're right. But we'll have to track down the person responsible and find out what they are planning." He said. Masaomi had to agree.

Whoever was responsible had to have some sort if motive or plan. What would someone gain from pretending to be Kanra? The two ended the call and Mikado looked at Anri.

"What's going on?"

[Earlier: The after party]

Izaya smiled as he watched his friends and colleagues mingle. Sakura was watching Yuu because Izaya kept getting pulled away to be interviewed and congratulated for his manga being turned into an anime.

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