Chapter 6: Anime

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Izaya couldn't believe his luck, Shizu-chan chose that exact day to go to Russia Sushi? Unbelievable. Sakura looked at the ex informant worriedly before sending a comforting smile his way.

"He can't recognize you Iza, you don't look even remotely like your old self." She whispered to him, making sure Yuu couldn't hear.

"You're right, let's just finish eating and get home." He replied, looking at Yuu. "Yuu, do you want to help me set up my drawing station?" Izaya asked his son.

"Yea!" Yuu replied, going along with the idea even if his papa seemed nervous for some reason.

Yuu's little outburst got the attention of the (very few) customers but they all realized it was just a kid being loud like kids usually are and went back to doing their own thing.

Shizuo looked around the restaurant, "Something smells rotten..." He mumbled to himself as Simon served him.

Izaya noticed Shizuo's suspicious glances around the place but tried to ignore it, he did not want Shizuo of all people to recognize him. Shinra or Celty finding out would be 100 times better.

Sakura just entertained Yuu, knowing Izaya was too busy trying not to freak out. Yuu laughed at her bad jokes and ate his sushi, he had learned how to use chopsticks when he was 6 and liked to use them any chance he got.

Izaya looked at Yuu and made a silly face, causing the little boy to laugh. Sakura giggled at his antics too, she mostly just kept checking her phone since she had already finished her meal.

After the three finished their meals they took their leave. Shizuo's head snapped up as they walked past him, he followed the trio out of the restaurant and grabbed Izaya's wrist.

Izaya turned around and saw Shizuo. He started panicking on the inside but kept a neutral expression as he said, "Can I help you?" In the most un-Izaya voice he could muster.

Shizuo quickly let go of Izaya's wrist. "Sorry, I thought you were someone I knew." He said, turning around and going back inside Russia Sushi. Leaving the three speechless.

"Shizu-chan has never apologized to me before." Izaya muttered, inaudible to anyone not within a foot radius of him.

Sakura laughed it off, "He just got Iza mixed up with someone else." She said, mostly to Yuu. "Let's get the rest of our furniture into our new homes!" She said, grabbing the hands of both males and dragging them towards their apartment building.

Izaya was inwardly sighing in relief, glad Shizuo didn't recognize him. Yuu was still oblivious to the situation. And Sakura was telling bad puns the whole way back.

The three got all their stuff into the apartments and spent the rest of the night unpacking boxes. Well, Yuu fell asleep after helping Izaya set up his drawing "station" which was just a big desk with supplies on top and in the drawers.

So it was just Sakura and Izaya who spent the whole night unpacking.

[A Week Later]

Izaya woke up to a little boy bouncing on his bed. "Papa wake up! It's my first day of school!" Yuu exclaimed, shaking Izaya awake.

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