Chapter 18: Information

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Celty had heard enough and walked over to Chihiro while typing on her PA.

'You didn't see the pain in his eyes when he realized what he had done to himself. He wasn't using Shizuo, he cared about him. I'm sure it hurt him to see the look in Shizuo's eyes when he made the connection. You have no idea what you've done to my friend'


Chihiro glared at the Dullahan. "What do you know? You're not even a human, how would you know how a human feels?" She hissed.

Celty took a step back, knowing that Chihiro was right in what she had said. Anri frowned and her eyes glowed red. "Celty-san is more human than you..." She mumbled.

"And what would a parasite know about being human, huh?" Chihiro refuted.

Anri's frown went away and her eyes turned brown again, she was shocked at the amount of knowledge Chihiro had on everyone.

Chihiro smirked as she noticed Anri's confusion. "Izaya had documents on everyone he found interesting, Shizuo's folder was my personal favorite" She giggled and pulled out a folder. "Here's Anri's. Saika holder and considers herself a parasite that leeches off of others!" She read out loud.

Anri took a step back and reached behind her, looking for something. Celty noticed and decided to distract he seemingly insane girl in front of them. 'That does not belong to you, if anything, you should return those documents to Izaya.'

Celty knew Chihiro would refuse but she was only trying to distract her while Anri called Shizuo. She muted the call so that Shizuo's voice couldn't be heard but so that Shizuo could hear what was happening.

Shizuo was confused, Anri wasn't responding to him but he could hear multiple other girls talking. One was obviously the culprit while the other seemed to know her. He put it on speaker so that Saki could hear what was going on as well.

Anri hoped that Shizuo would get the memo and come help, or call Mikado and Kida to tell them the situation. Chihiro was starting to scare her, she claimed she was only getting revenge on Izaya but she was turning into him to do so.

Chihiro caught on to what Anri was doing since she knew Shizuo was on standby. 'Shizu-chan already made Izaya revert back, I might as well read his file so that he suffers too.' She thought, opening the file Izaya created.

Celty had a bad feeling about the file Chihiro had grabbed. 'What could be inside? She looks like she has a plan...' She thought, trying to figure out what Chihiro was thinking.

Anri was confused, what information  could that file have to make Chihiro grin like that? That grin of hers sent chills down Anri's spine.

She didn't know exactly how much Chihiro's next words would affect the man on the phone.

"Let's see what Izaya wrote about our dear monster Shizuo, shall we?"


Shizuo was prepared to storm into the apartment when he heard what was going on. This chick was getting on his nerves, she was acting just like the dumb flea acted.

He was prepared to, but then curiosity got the better of him and he decided to listen more. Chihiro had a file that Izaya wrote about him, obviously he was curious, as he had apparently been dating the louse.

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