"It doesn't matter if I told you before or not. You know how I feel about Cassandra!" I said raising my voice "I told you when I was in Newyork that Cassandra and I will never be a couple again"

"Don't raise your voice at me....I'm your father and I will be respected as such do you hear me?" His voice booming through the office.

"YES! I hear you but obviouly you dont hear me. I said Cassandra and I are finish. And just like you want respect as my father you need to respect me as a man and accept that you can't force me in a relationship with women I don't want to be with." He rolled his eyes and waved his hand like what I said didnt make any sense.

"What you want doesn't out weigh what you and Cassnadra's marrage will do for the two countries involved. All your life you have gotten what you wanted, best schools, best teachers, best clothes, best cars, all just because of who you are, now its time for you to give back to your country"

It was just on the tip of my tongue to say Damn this couintry, but even in my worst anger I could never say that about the country I have grown to love and have so much pride for. I just couldn't believe how selfish my father was being. Our country is not in any type of finacial debt or in any wars. Finacially we are the best in history. Theres no reason to bring another empire in the mix, he was just being greedy at my expence. I had nothing else to say to him because obviouly he had made up his mind of how he wanted things to go. we ended up in a staring match until there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" My father said without taking his eyes off me. And I didn't bother to take my eyes away from him to see who was at the door either. The door opened and closed lightly. I looked out my perifial vision and see my mother standing looking at the both of us in a stand off.

"What is going on here?" she asked in a harsh whisper "we have guest here ready to eat and you two are in here arguing.....I can hear you all through the door for christ sakes" Slience.

"Oh so no one hears me talking huh?" she asked in a heavy accent. she stomped over in between us and stood where the both our visions was broken from each other. My mother was definitely not the quiet type when it came to her family. Don't get me wrong she was nothing like Cassandra's mother both her and my father respected each other and she let him run the country and be the man. But behind closed doors she was the glue that held everything together.

"Now somebody better start talking now and tell me whats going on or so help me...." she warned, I decided to be the first one to break the silence and explain to my mother how i felt in the situation. There was no way my mother could be on my fathers side with this.

"Dad doesnt seem to understand that I don't want to be with Cassandra anymore. And him trying to push her off on me is really starting to piss me off" I said looking at her

"Watch your language boy" she said smiling at me. "you not too grown for me to put you over my knee." She whipt around with her hands on her hips to look at my father. "And exactly What was this stunt you called yourself pulling by inviting that child and her parents here this evening" she said glaring up at my father. My mother was short compared to me, Tiffany and my father. She was only five foot six but she has a lot of fire to make up for the rest.

"sweetheart you know well as I do that William needs...." ....."STOP" my mom said putting her hand in my father's face cutting him off

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