"I gathered that since you two have the same birthday" she stated and Chris and I chuckled but I shook my head.

"Actually I was born early." Chris frowned at this and I shrugged my shoulders while Leo cleared his throat.

"It is typical for Melvyn witches to be born a little earlier than their due date. Your elements look after you and nourish you and so you don't need the full term like a mortal child would, or even a regular witch child" Leo explained and I nodded since that made sense. I wonder if that meant any children I would ever have would be born earlier than the due date.

They probably would, Lila. But you're not even sixteen yet so why are you thinking about children? came Chris's voice in my head and I felt myself blush as Wyatt chuckled slightly.

Have you got your eye on someone to be the father already? Wyatt teased and I glared at him before smirking.

Yes actually, I think you'd be a brilliant father, Wyatt I retorted and saw my adopted brother go grey which made me laugh out loud along with Chris. I shook my head at them.

"That's just gross and that's incest" Wyatt grumbled and I nudged him with my elbow.

"I was only joking. Besides I question things like that a lot. The magical world has changed with your birth, I just wonder how much different it would be when our generation has children" I replied with a sigh, not that I would have children since my demonic half makes it difficult for me to open up to anyone and I even question myself in terms of my relationship with the Halliwells so I'd be too scared to settle down with someone.

"If I'm assuming your thoughts correctly, Lila, then yes you would be the same if you had children" Leo replied and I nodded at him before clearing my throat.

"Anyway, due to my mom's friendship with Piper and her sisters, I grew up with Chris and Wyatt. It was my house where the three of us stayed when Mel was born when Chris and I were three while Leo stayed at the hospital with Piper. So I grew up always being involved in the Halliwells' lives and knew when they went demon hunting with my mom since Leo would have to look after the four of us until they returned. My mom didn't have anyone other than the Halliwells who could look after me, simply because I have no idea who my grandparents are on my mom's side and whether they're even alive or not. Wyatt, Chris, Mel and I have always been close and this friendship only increased when I was six and my mom died." I took a deep breath and looked at Amy. She frowned at me.

"You never told me how she died, but thinking about it now I think my mom knew, didn't she?" Amy asked and Piper nodded.

"Bel told me that your mom was a witch, Amy, but I never knew about your powers. I just assumed that the magic had skipped you. I think that was one of the reasons as to why Cathy was happy to have Lila every weekend because she knew that Bel would want the both of us to look after her daughter, just as Cathy wants me to look after you, Amy" Piper stated and Amy smiled. I took a deep breath as Wyatt and Chris each gathered one of my hands and held on tightly.

"We're right here" Chris whispered and I nodded.

"It happened one night when I was six" I began and Amy nodded before I looked down at my lap, the tears already appearing as I knew I would have to relive what had happened when I tried my hardest to stay away from those memories.

"My mom had finished reading me a story and had turned off my light and I'd fallen asleep before a scream woke me up." Chris and Wyatt squeezed my hands reassuringly as I felt the fear once again, throwing me into the horrid memory all over again.

I sat up in my bed blinking and rubbing my eyes sleepily, my heart was pounding because I was sure that I'd just heard a woman scream but I could never be sure what I was hearing was happening around me or whether it was my elements tapping into someone needing help. Earth and Spirit had started doing that these last few months and I often passed out afterwards, something which worried my mom. She had no experience of living with more than one element since she only controlled Earth and could only teach me how to control my version of Earth, especially since I had done the ritual to connect with my elements just over two years ago now as mom's Earth had told her that it was time. Mom usually spoke to Piper and Leo when she became worried about the effect of my abilities on me and my body and they were happy to help me train. Leo was teaching me something called meditation which was like sleeping while sitting upright.

In Love With A Charmed One (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now