Chapter Twenty-Three (updated)

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- From Hogsmeade to Hogwarts -

"Okay, are you ready Tobi?"  Hermione asked as Harry opened the door fully, her face a dark shade of pink.

"Yeah, I-I guess so." He smiled softly, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'll meet you there." Harry said, not meeting either of their eyes before he vanished with a loud 'pop.'

"Woah." Tobias said, eyes darting wildly around the space Harry just vacated. "That's bloody insane."

"It's not bad, it's side apparation that's uncomfortable." She said, forcing a smile.

He noticed this time and touched her arm, furrowing his brow.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, studying her closely.

She sighed, "Nothing, I'll explain later."

"No, Hermione, what's wrong?" He asked, gripping her arm lightly, eyeing her expectantly.

She sighed and lowered her eyes.

"I'm afraid, Tobias." She said, her eyes on everything in the room but him. A chill ran down her spine and she hugged herself.

"Of what?" He asked, "I thought Hogwarts was safe now?"

She smiled softly, "It is, that's not it."

"Then what is it?" He asked, rubbing her arm trying his utmost best to comfort her. Everything was fine until Harry came in.

"I just, when you remember, there's a possibility you won't like what you remember." She sighed, lowering her head.

He let out a low chuckle and raised her chin for the second time today. Silly woman.

"You silly girl, that doesn't matter, I just want to feel whole again, I've always felt like I was missing something after the doctors told me I had amnesia, now I can get that back. It doesn't matter if I like what I remember or not." He said but her frown didn't leave her beautiful face.

"You may not like what you remember about me, when I said I was nothing, I was, I was just another face in the class room." She explained.

"That doesn't matter now, what matters is here and now, you found me, which makes you important now." He said cupping her cheek in his palm. "Now, lets get to Hogwarts before Harry thinks we're up to something."

She giggled and dragged his hand down from her face, grasping it in her own.

"Ready?" She asked, her eyes on his.

"As I'll ever be."

With that they disappeared with a 'pop.'


The arrived with a swoosh of wind and Tobias staggered into a nearby tree.

"That was bloody awful," He said, his hand still grasped in a worried Hermione's, he met her eyes finally after getting his bearings, "But worth it, completely faster than a plane."

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